Discussion: ISIS Has Lost Land, But It Still Has a Giant Foothold In Cyberspace

Are you one of those Russian trolls I’ve been reading about or an ISIS true believer? Do us all a favor and take long walk off a short pier.


I see Donald Trump has a pseudonym besides John Miller.

How potent will ISIS be with just a bunch of tweets and no land?


The videos and social networking provide the group’s global followers a sense of belonging. This dynamic is paramount for ISIS’s survival, and it is reinforced via the constant flow of its propaganda on the Internet.

Thanks for this insightful article. ISIS is strikingly similar to a pirate organization, with tough rules. It also works like a religious cult. And it has an IT department! Like pirate organizations, it can play various national and sub-national grudges off one another for its benefit.



So … shorthand for this diatribe is …I really don’t like Obama. Got it. Have you tweeted this yet.


Excellent and helpful. I knew some of this, but he stuff about social media and new kinds of social media was news to me.

This has obvious implications for privacy in our use of the internet and cloud services among other things…


ISIS must not have quite such great operational security, or else the information for this article would have been virtually impossible to gather. I have enormous respect for the people who monitor these murderous crazies and have to wade through and find all their publications.

To what extent, if any, do the resource ISIS uses differ from those used by pro-democracy and pro-human-rights activists?


Well – actually I would prefer that he continue to reveal his presence. One of the ways to correctly identity and manage a parasite is to observe when its attacks on its host become virulent…


I’ve been suspicious about this little troll’s motives for awhile. If he’s not a paid agent then he’s at least susceptible to kind of recruiting efforts described in the article, with right mindset he just needs the motivation.

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This obscure cyber environment is where drug markets, financial fraudsters, and child pornographers operate.

Libertarian Paradise.


Vote Johnson-Weld!


I’ve started a GoFundMe account to buy omahahummer a one-way ticket to Syria.


ISIS is saying their #2 guy and chief spokesmsn has been killed nesr Aleppo. This is being reported on CNN right now


ISIS is having a really bad day today, omahhum. Their #2 just got dusted and won’t be around anymore for “True Lies and the News”. If you are so supportive of ISIS and their cruelty I suggest you back up your words with action. Get up off your mom’s basement couch and get on over to Syria. I’m sure those guys would be happy you showed up.


This person seems to be quite susceptible to ISIL propaganda. I wonder if he should be brought to some agency’s attention to be sure he doesn’t present a threat to his neighbors.


If he’s not already on the FBI’s radar, he should be.

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I particularly like this part about the ‘propaganda’ being true and the truth, which is exactly the opposite of what propaganda is. But Ohhummer here is really enthralled with it.
What a maroon!

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Someone please explain the way one gets a giant ‘foothold’ in ‘cyberspace’.
That sounds tricky like grasping a wild idea.

While far from an “expert” myself I know at least a couple of things about the “Dark Web” having run a TOR node a while back. I was interested in the article but found it to be … slightly off … sort of jingoistic, lurid, the sort of thing some people might want to hear. Sensationalist, but oddly incomplete in mentioning methodologies, with some obvious contradictions. Not horrid, but I wondered, who is this “expert” guy?

I run with a semi-locked down browser out of habit. I’m a retired nobody, but was a system administrator and I hate reinstalling windows. When I clicked on the link to his website out of the article my browser promptly informed me it had closed the connection due to security. Huh. So off to the google with me. And tada:

Article from 2010, mainly about his boss. He shows up on page 5? Not an “expert” per se so much as a professional “expert witness” protege with mostly self-taught methodology. Inconsistent quality of article makes more sense now. Not sure I’m a fan of his boss.