Discussion: Is The Secret Service Breaking The Law By Not Fully Paying Its Agents Overtime?

Making America Great Again is proceeding swimmingly!


Donald Trump’s organization (in this depressing case, the executive branch) isn’t compensating its employees for services already rendered?

Quelle surprise!


Add this to the list of federal government agencies that Republicans have broken in such a short period of time over failure to do proper oversight, with neither holding one of their own accountable, or just letting it die on the vine. The US Postal Service also comes to mind. You break it, you bought it pukes. I don’t fault the SS for this mess. I blame the Republicans for allowing it to happen.


One would think that an accomplished businessman would have considered the expenses of various travel arrangements and organized the schedule accordingly.Most business owners that I know don’t travel when the budget doesn’t allow it.
One would think that a person who was experienced in running a business would automatically consider budgeting constraints.
One would think that a management specialist would put some constraints on members of the organization that would control travel and security costs.
One would think.


I think I’ve identified your problem… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


What about the Secret Service doing this?



The most infuriating part of this is that the Secret Service agents will continue to do their job properly, even as the Orange Loser fails to pay them and treats them like servants.

If hell were real, on his deathbed that piece of shit would be greeted by a demon saying “The Secret Service sent me.”


Grifters gonna grift :-/


Why aren’t all of the Republicans on Fox right now attacking Trump over him and his family’s overspending on trips like they did all of the time with President Obama when he actually wasn’t overspending…oh wait a minute. Never mind. :-/


You’re thinking. Trump isn’t. I’m not at all sure he can.


One way to update the law, bring the costs closer to being in line with reality is to drop coverage of any and all adult family member (besides First Spouse) who is not a direct federal government employee that would in the course of business require secret service protection otherwise. Another way is to address the very obvious grifting going on here: No expenditure on or for any federal government employee (including President and Spouse) may be spent to benefit any direct government employee or their family (defined to include spouse, sibling, parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, first, second, third cousins; also to include exes).

If these were implemented, you’d see Orange Man’s visits to NJ, VA and FL cut back to almost zilch. Additionally, you’d notice Uday, Qusay and Jarvanka cut back heftily on their own globe-trotting.

The laws need to be updated immediately.


The line in the USA Today report that set off alarm bells was that more than 1,000 Secret Services agents had already worked more overtime hours than they can be compensated for for the year. The agency ran into a similar issue in 2016 and Congress passed waivers to pay agents retroactively for some, but not all, of the uncompensated overtime hours. If a similar proposal to raise the cap is adopted this year, some 130 agents will still have worked more hours than what they are ultimately compensated for even under the new cap, the USA Today report said.

Trump continues his practice of stiffing people working for him…


Sounds perfect from Agent Orange’s perspective, it seems he’s always tried to spend OPM* whenever possible

*OPM = Other People’s Money

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Assumes facts not in evidence.

One would be really dumb to imagine that Trump is that person.

Again, you give Trump credit for something he is not, has never been, and will never be.


I think James Murdoch is allowing Fox talent to veer from the blind support and worship of Trump and actually gently criticize his belligerence and the discuss the harm he’s causing the country. It’s subtle, but I see more articles showing divisions among the guests/panels/chatters regarding his more blatant attacks, lies and attempts to create discord. It’s barely noticeable right now, but it could be Fox seeing the destruction of current conservatism and getting out of the way to minimize the effects on its business. It might just be a mirage, but I’m sensing a change that started with dumping Billo. If Fox becomes more neutral in its coverage and commentary about Trump, Republicans may feel less imperiled speaking out. Plus, what a bonanza for the Dems when it comes to Trump’s threat to shut down the government. We can’t pay the secret service that protects him and his gold plated family, but we can shut down the government for a wall that only he and his zealots want?

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Medical records? Wha…???

Read the article. It’s bad.


The article certainly was bad.

Upside: in the future many people in her situation will be prepared.

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WOW…thanks for the link. That is scary as hell. Just because she posted a fabric banner against white supremacists in a public space.