Discussion: Is Hillary Going To Have An Obama Problem?

Hillary needs to run on “It’s time for a turnover. The old-school, racist 23% of the voting public has run things for long enough. President Obama’s only mistake was in trying to work with those guys. It’s time for the other 77% to show up and vote for me and _______!”

American voters need to come to the polls saying “we’re done listening to what racist old buggers like Rush Limbaugh have to say.” And I’m pretty sure that if Democrats a) do a good job of representing their interests, and b) actually ask them, that’s what they will do.

Just for the love of God, try to get elected by Democrats, not by Republicans! It’s not that hard.

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Well, if Penn isn’t available, Professional Backstabber Robert Gibbs is probably available for cloak and dagger kind of stuff.

No one poster knows what will happen. It’s all gas. They love gas…

Let me add my voice to those who think that a straightforward presentation of the strenghts of the progressive democratic position, highlighting the real achievements of the Obama administration (in the face of implacable and irrational opposition) will ultimately be more persuasive than second guessing.

“Hillary’s Biggest 2016 Challenge Might Start With An ‘O’”

O’Malley? He’d make a good #1 and a great #2.

“The only group they’re concerned about is the white working class”

…who hate black people more than the like having good jobs. That’s what it means to be a Reagan Democrat. To trade your interest for the most comfortable place under the heel of the Koch Class. Obama’s presidency is a giant middle finger to the notion that our nation’s political future is forever captive to the southern strategy. There are enough of everyone else to marginalize the hate vote. Obama did in the 08 Dem primary, when Clinton weren’t full Atwater in (SC/OH/PA), and then in both generals. Clinton would be wise to embrace the coalition.

Hillary is not noted for running away from President Obama. Her own interests might have been better served by staying in the Senate. If she can reassemble the coalition she won New York with she will win the Presidency.

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The House GOP Benghazi Committee just undercut the biggest talking point GOPs planned to use to tie her to Pres. Obama.

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Cowardice is not a “strategy”.

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Hillary is white and female. That’s all the camouflage she’s gonna need.

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The biggest mistake Clinton could make would be to spend time and effort trying to distance herself From President Obama. That is the same frickin’ mistake all of the 2014 losers made.
i am part of the Democratic base and i do not hold with that garbage. i would be out with Hilary if she did that.


Running away from the president has worked so well in the past, not only in this administration but others.

Why not do it again? Surely it will be a 100% winning strategy!

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Hey, it worked so well for Al Gore in 2000! (Well, to be fair, he won and was robbed by SCOTUS, but it shouldn’t even have been close.)

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It’s like playing a slot machine–it’s bound to hit the jackpot eventually…right?

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They are already “joined at the hip” with regard to their shared hawkish attitudes toward the middle east and lax regulatory policy toward banks and Wall St.

You cannot be for the things Obama accomplished while running away from them. You can’t be for universal health care without touting the success you and your party have had in bringing it closer to reality (than anyone has done in fifty years here).

Running away from Obama means you have no loyalty or principles — you don’t believe in the things he fought for. And voters will reward you for that by staying home.


Also if she trashes Obama and his GOP made poll numbers that you are buying into, there is no way in hell she will win.

Hello Reality. Obama has stood for real and trust democratic moral values.

I swear if the Dems blow this, I will lose my mind.

That was my thought. I’m not a history buff but my impression is that there hasn’t really been a president that garnered the sort of outright disrespect and hatred that Obama has. Aside from the obvious issue that race and the ease of blaming “the other”, the whole polarization of the electorate and way we communicate and disseminate news information is so drastically different that it seems a more unique situation than we usually have.

That said, I was hoping the same thing before the midterms…

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Yeah! Focus on Dem negatives because nothing is perfect YET.

That worked out so well in 2010 giving the GOP the opportunity to redistrict and slant the vote totals in their favor for the next ten years.

Obama aint perfect and neither is Hillary. This country will be forever changed if the D’s and liberals sit out 2016, because the GOP has one mission….o get rid of the New Deal Progressive Era programs.


Running away from Clinton worked so well for Gore in 2000, too!