Discussion: Is Hillary Going To Have An Obama Problem?

What unutterable horseshit.


That may not be accurate… if there is one demographic that might just “clique” a notch or two (or six) towards Hillary, there it is.

Certainly she needs to turn out a lot of previously non-voting single moms, and younger women just entering the process, also otherwise disengaged women in general, and she will do that. But my feeling is that she appeals to a lot of married women who wouldn’t cross party lines if Hillary wasn’t a woman.

Call it defiance to their own authoritarian mates, or just an expression of personal independence, whatever the motivation, there is room to gain existing voters in that category that otherwise would not be available.

Moving voters to cross that aisle is much harder than gathering new ones.


Well, at the moment rectal warts have more national respect than any of the GOP challengers for the presidency, and Hillary Clinton may not be the lock many think she is. We’re still two years out from the national elections and inevitably this will all change many times in the coming months.
Still, the horrible, age-raddled lizards on the right, with FOX Spews’ tireless assistance, have already tried to turn Benghazi into the ‘birth certificate’ and the endless GOP crap & bullsh*t machine will continue the lies and spin for the next two years, and surely they will try to slime Clinton, as the opposition frontrunner, with all the zeal of simians flinging pooh at their enemy. That is certain, in reality, for any Democrat who appears to be a frontrunner.
So all this presumptive “Obama Will Hurt Hillary’s Chances” blah, blah, blah… is just mildly interesting political speculation and is growing more tiresome with each thread devoted to it.
She’s a very experienced political power and will be a formidable candidate if she remains healthy and wants to run. And she’s infinitely preferable to ANY of the loathsome, depraved howlers who have stepped forward from the Rightie Wingnuttery in the GOP.


People seem to forget just how contentious the 2008 Dem Primary was. All Hillary has to do is say “I told you so”

Isn’t Rectel Wartz a Mississippi state legislator?


well how’d that work out in 2014 fer yah, Dems.

there is something innately cowardly in running away from the boss you worked for. American voters sometimes have short memories, but not that darn short.

maybe if Gore hadn’t run from Bill there would have been enough votes to prevent a George W.


Oh bullshit. Barack Obama will leave office with perfectly respectable public approval ratings. He’s made the country a better place, against all odds. His administration has been and will be scandal-free (the only people falling for the Benghazi-palooza of phony scandalmongering are the insane 30%.)

This is a stupid and non-productive article that reads like something from Politico. Please.


The fact is that Obama has had a successful presidency. Those who hate Obama hate Hillary so there is nothing you can do with those people. Obama would have been more successful without the obstructionism of the GOP congress. She doesn’t have to run explicitly from or to Obama but she simply cannot reject the bulk of Obama’s policies. There are already a lot of progressives who are not enamored with Clinton and could very well be turned off by an attempt by Clinton to reject Obama’s policies. And what would she replace them with anyway. If she tries to appeal to conservative voters she is toast. Republican lite simply does not work and was a disaster in the last election.

Having said all of the above, I still would like to see Warren run.


lmao…And I believe Alabammy’s Jeff Sessions’ moniker !

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Clickbait is going to kill Hilary’s chance TPM.

which is what this article is.


With the electorate so Democrat-friendly in Presidential election years, it would be a huge mistake for a Republican PAC trying to defeat Hillary Clinton to push the Clinton-Obama link.

I now what you’re talking about by “those people” around Hillary Clinton.

I consider it a very good sign that Team Hillary has already let it be known that Mark Penn will not be joining them.

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Dude’s got a point about dark horse candidates.

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I really think the ‘Obama is an unpopular President’ mantra is a myth perpetuated by the people he is already unpopular with. He’s not unpopular to the general population… I think the old white guys don’t like him.


So…people have forgotten how contentious the 2008 Democratic primary was, so your advice is for Hillary Clinton to remind them?

That’s some out-of-the-box thinking right there.


Why exactly is it necessary to “distance” herself? Seems like stealth concern-trolling or loser-adviser syndrome.


He’s also got a point on top of his head.


I think its been proven that spitting out word salad to avoid answering the question “did you vote for Obama” is not a winning strategy for democrats.


But they seem to be using the Mark Penn playbook. There is a reason Penn was hired in 2008. His view of the world is very attractive to somebody in the Clinton family.

He’s now persona non grata with the Clintons.

It’s already been stated that he will not be hired for any reason.