Discussion: Is He In? Allen West Meets With Pence, Flynn, McFarland At Trump Tower

It’s clowns, it’s dancing bears and a side of insult comics - The shiny new US government!


It’s like with SNL the other night saying “He really did this.” It’s beyond parody; it can’t be reduced to absurdity because it’s at maximal absurdity already.


The Onion no longer needs to exist.


The Trump Administration really is just starting at the back-end of the bus, the craziest of the crazy, that makes up the Conservative movement in this country. It’s honestly amazing how little coverage these people, virtually all if not all are completely unfit to be in the positions they’re about to be in, have received in the cable news coverage.

Democrats need to be on tv every single day calling out these people’s past, what they’re capeable of and what they end up doing. Every. Day.


I thought that guy looked familiar. I saw him on a sign last week in Aruba.


OMG… my head just exploded. West? Really?

Herman Cain must be in the wings somewhere. Secretary of Pizza?

I am SO glad 15 minutes ago I bought a buttload PUT options on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA).

I bet big time that Donnie is going to screw the pooch and investors are going to realize that was just a shiny spoon hiding the most incompetent bunch of cretins to EVER have so much power.

DOW at 19200+/ now. My bet is we see DOW at 17300 before March 17, 2017.


Allen West was and is one of the main sources of disgruntled right wing military and retired military gossip that passes for geopolitical content at STRATFOR, one of many laughable right wing “think tanks” that compete with the false news and entertainment from the contemporary American Right.

Stratfor gave the rightfully discharged West a platform to write opinion pieces on National Security, as some presumed authority in that area, and to eventually run, successfully, for Congress. However, once a congressman, West proved to the world his delusional lack of capacity and judgment.

It is not surprising that the Trump TV Show in progress would be considering him for a position. It is, however, a sad commentary on the large Bozo Element in the Trump Administration.


Just what we need a new Grand Inquisitor Torquemada for the 21st Century.

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After this China crap I called my dad’s financial guy and said you have to tell me you’ve done everything you can to protect him from violent volatility, major recessions and the like. My dad’s 93 and always let my mom handle that stuff, but she’s gone now. We’ve literally never seen anything like this before. I’m not ready to go full prepper but it’s an option I have in mind.


So he’s bringing in the Court-Martialed Congressman, eh?


I’d like to know where I might find a four year sleeping pill.

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My husband met with our financial advisor two days after the election and he met with his banker a few days later.

We’re mostly liquid at this point.


I keep looking for an opium den I can move into for the next 4. I’ll let you know if I find a sleeping pill if you’ll let me know if you see an opium den anywhere.


Research what DOW was the day BEFORE the elections.

What DOW futures were overnight on the night of elections (HINT… down over 700 from that day’s closing was what I saw)

Day after elections DOW was up. IMO, people on feel good sugar high.

Today at all time record.

I can think of dozens of Donnie Disasters that can drop the DOW to the max allowed per day for a week.

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At least if the shit never does hit the fun you’ll have glow sticks to play with when you crawl out of your shelter.

[quote=“mattinpa, post:22, topic:48064, full:true”]
It’s like with SNL the other night saying “He really did this.” It’s beyond parody; it can’t be reduced to absurdity because it’s at maximal absurdity already.
[/quote]I keep looking for Allen Funt (not Allen West) - because this entire transition must be a new episode of Candid Camera.



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Portugal looks better and better and drugs are legal. There might actually be an opium den somewhere there…

Dumblefuck is opening a new cabinet-level department, “Secretary for Committing War Crimes”.

West is a shoo-in.

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Allen West is literally insane. He supports the use of illegal torture and knows nothing. He’s the perfect Trump candidate for Secretary of State.