Discussion: IRS Recalls 46K Workers From Furlough To Handle Tax Returns Without Pay

I lived through the 2013 shutdown, can assure you that it did and does happen. We were out the first week, but called back in the second when they basically brought the entire department back under some determination.


Which makes sense, in that itā€™s one thing if the shutdown is for a week and another if its for a month.

But bottom line this is absolutely nuts. Also, all on McConnellā€™s head.

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Okā€¦did they decide based on some function (i.e. this stuff will fall apart if someone isnā€™t watching over it), or was it a political decision to keep Americans from becoming annoyed/angry about the shutdown? The latter is what is happening now, and not just with the IRS agents, and that seems to go against the idea that something is essentialā€¦as much as Iā€™ll be annoyed to get my refund late itā€™s not essential the government give it to me on time (it is that I get it eventually of course!).

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The IRS employees would be effective as well. Just say no, people. If youā€™re working for free you canā€™t drive ubers and hold bake sales to pay your mortgages!

Can always take the money out of Mr Dumbos salary -------------- oooops sorry , THAT is given to Mr Dumbos favorite charity ---- himself .


If I was Trump the last thing I would want is disgruntled workers in the IRS. They might leak his and his spawns tax documents.


Iā€™m not sure this is legally possible, so we need smarter legal minds to let us know.

But, this quote,

ā€œThe law is expected to bring lower taxes for 2018 for the great majority of Americans, and the refunds are a big tangible part of that.ā€

I think they are going to be surprised. I have noted on before on TPM, I did a quick run at our taxes last week and realized that my spouse and I, who are likely considered upper middle class, but not at all wealthy, will pay more than $3000 in taxes this year thanks to loss of deductions and inability to itemize for 2018.

I think they will be surprised when folks actually file their taxes.


Will the children of the IRS slaves belong to Trump personally or to the Treasury Department? (Asking for a friend)


So hereā€™s my idea: they prioritize lowest incomes first. Higher income returns can wait until the government is open again.

Just another example of how well the WH planned the shutdown. A 5 year old knew going in that it would not end within a couple of days. The WH on the other hand gives the appearance that they thought/think that the shutdown is just another joke and people would laugh then go about their business. They should have gotten a clue when even the REPUG controlled house shut up shop and walked.

tRUmp is negotiation exactly as he has done his whole life. He lets someone else do the lifting, walking in to sign and take all credit. But, as usual, he has last minute demands and canā€™t understand why anyone would tell him no. Of course since he surrounds himself with yes men grifters how would he know, he sure does not ask any questions.

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