Irma weakened slightly in the morning but was expected to pick up strength again before slamming Florida.
On Saturday morning, the hurricane’s outer bands blew into South Florida as residents scrambled to leave. Damaging winds were moving into areas including Key Biscayne and Coral Gables, and gusts up to 56 mph (90 kph) were reported off Miami.
This is interactive …
Sherry Whiteside, a Palm Beach Gardens mental health counselor, had come to her neighborhood Publix because she was craving a cherry pie.
Is it just me, or is this lady nuts?
The way i read it, she’s a counselor - so she self-adjusted her mental health and then coincidentally craved a pie. Makes total sense.
"Stress … and it’s Manifestations "
I haven’t read her book … ---- Not going to either —
This doesn’t leave me all that comfortable…
I had heard earlier that both Florida nuke plants had shut down…
NOT SO according to announcements from both plants.
Gonna watch “Key Largo” tonight.
“Always listen to you’re heart, even though its on you’re left side its all ways’ right” - Sherry’s Pinterest page
Actually the counselor is a few fruits short of a cake
ETA: @darrtown since the server for my favourite online game in Orlando may be underwater Sunday night, I am going to get in some extra game time tonite and put off my binge watching until tomorrow
I recently read a July 2017, WP article on how a major hurricane hitting Tampa Bay head on could cause more damage than Katrina. Being as I don’t link stories anymore to major newspapers you’ll have to Google this title:
Sea-level rise could destroy Tampa Bay if a major hurricane hits…
It is one scary scenario if you live in that area.
ETA They did post a four minute video covering the basics onto YouTube:
I thought Key Largo and Bogart appropriate.
I got a very cold chill when I saw the banner on the weather channel saying some areas in s Florida could see 15 feet of storm surge…
Set the rise level to zero, then change it to five meters. Gives a rough idea of what could be hit by storm surge (at least near the coasts, obviously surge isn’t going to affect the interior of the state the way a permanent ocean rise is going to).
Looked at the Turkey Point Nuke site at 5M.
And that’s without wave action.
It’ll take a hell of a tax cut to repair the damage to a nuclear plant.
Bogey’s good … but any book by Louis Bromfield might be even better
although that might be more up @ralph_vonholst’s alley.
I don’t think the lady is nuts at all. Sometimes, if you’re facing the possible loss of your life and everything you hold dear, focusing on something simple and mostly irrelevant can be a good way to keep it together.
I knew someone who lived in SF and worried that in an earthquake the old-fashioned iron she kept on top of a bookcase would fall down and damage something. That made it much easier for her to function than worrying that her entire apartment would become rubble with her in it.
From Bromfield’s wikipedia page:
“In 1925, Bromfield and his family left for a vacation in France, a
country he had come to love during the war. They stayed for thirteen
That I fully understand having visited numerous times
There is a new reality emerging that people are going to be increasingly unable to ignore…those that deny what is occurring before their eyes need to reassess what they are going to do when the truth of how we got to this point becomes clear.If you are supporting politicians and fossil fuel corporations that are continuing the practice of denying the obvious changes facing humanity and the planet…think agsin…all the spin and subtrafuge are not going to fix what is happening now and what is yet to come.