That’s good, no ?
“present himself to the President as the aide with the best fundraising ideas.”
Isn’t money raised from Saudi illegal?
Anything that annoys that oily little turd is just peachy keen by me.
I especially love it when it’s internecine Gooper feuds, resulting in bad advice to Spankee.
Kushner should send everyone on the RNC donor rolls a letter asking for a one time gift of $666 to support Trump’s reelection.
in Jarad’s defense, the trump family has high standards for grifting - $400 million just won’t cut it. After all, there’s all the salaries for all of trump’s family members, travel expenses, expense accounts, etc. as well as the cost of all those stays and events at trump properties.
After all, the trump inaugural was a one-day affair and they raised over $100 million for that event.
Stories like this from the Times annoy me since they highlight how little that paper does besides preserve its access to sources within the administration. Haberman transcribes a disgruntled aide to McDaniel’s grievance against Kushner. “Deck chairs on the Titanic: Are they bad for your back?”
Irked By Trump Rapport With RNC Head, Kushner Claims Campaign Has Fundraising Problem
Kushner has a point, and of course he does know how to raise money, he got some jew-hating tyrant from the Gulf to give him well laundered 700 millions to bail him out of his white elephant at 666 Fifth Av.
Almost guaranteed, regardless of internecine warfare.
And here’s his family vacation in UK.
Reminder: This is the political party that essentially stole weapons from the Pentagon and sold them at an inflated price to the Iranians, pocketing some of the profits while using the rest to fight illegal wars in Central America – and simultaneously increasing the number of US hostages held in the Middle East.
Please, please. If Little Boy Jared does this as well as he does everything else, that’s great news!
From O’Donnell’s interview with Michael Wolf last night that, that should perhaps read: “…Little Girl Jared…”
Yes, I was thinking that is Jared thinks the fundraising amount is insufficient, it’s because he’s not making enough money.
Once Trump is out of office, the possibilities for big bucks look much dimmer. Of course, if he’s housed in a nice steel hotel, he won’t have to worry about income for a while.
Inherited wealth + marrying someone close to power = inflated ego.
Not true. Always need a bit of cash for bribes, toothpaste and knick-knacks from the commissary, etc.
Jared won’t win them over with his sparkling personality?
Jared Kushner: All Hat, No Cattle
If their legal expenses keep climbing, then yeah, they’ll need to raise more. That’s where the fundraising $$$ will go.