Discussion: Iran Dismisses Trump Warnings To 'BE CAUTIOUS' As A 'Passive Reaction'

Trump is the master of distraction.

Kidnaped children are still in cages.


He is moving the headlines away. Again.


Just another reminder that our tweeter-in-chief is a coward. As Bill Maher said, and was fired for, it doesn’t take bravery to sit safely in the US and press buttons. Bravery is behaving courageously in person, and Trump showed again in Helsinki how miserably he fails in those situations.


Helluva day for my cable & internet to still be out after Friday’s storm.
Guess trumpy will be burning up the twitter verse on Manny’s first day in court.

I wasnt implying that the doomsday macho chest beating rhetoric with Iran would follow with an agreement like the one he tried to sell everyone he could accomplish with NK. I will also note that Sheldon Adelson, who is Bibi Netanyahu’s version of Rupert Murdoch and FOX Propaganda News, has had it as a priority project that the US bomb Iran first strike in order to help protect the lawless, settlement gobbling Likud regime.


“On Sunday in California, Pompeo was strongly critical of [The American Christian Right], calling its religious leaders “hypocritical holy men” who amassed vast sums of wealth while allowing their people to suffer.”


ETA: Jonny_5 beat me to it!


Hope the dog doesn’t throw up on the rug from being wagged so hard by the tail.



Double negative? Or not? Will he clarify?

Also, TPM comment interface is UNUSABLE ON ANDROID. Will anyone ever notice and fix it? I’ve directly communicated with the TPM web person, but nothing has changed since I first talked to them months ago.

OK, done with the OT ranting

Just a tweet to keep his followers happy . Nothing in it .

Comments at WaPo lambasted Trump for this threat akin to the one he directed at North Korea, and we all saw how well that worked out. One called this ridiculous tweet “CAPSLOCK diplomacy,” sure to be successful.



New regulation for Purple Hearts: No matter how mild or severe your wound, you only get the medal if you promise to present it to Donnie as a tribute to his leadership.
And you don’t even want to know what it takes to get the Good Conduct medal.


I just wanna blow shit up … is that so wrong of me?

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When is "enough " enough for my fellow Americans and the leaders we have elected?


The tail actually broke off and is hanging on Kimberly Guilfoyle’s wall.

True story.

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I dont often read the comments on WaPo, but when I do, it is usually with a DosXX beer. And, as you can surmise, it is a tad early for that, here on the East Coast…


I’m thinking some kind of VPN set-up where you are actually reading in a different time-zone would be helpful for these situations.


Trump strikes me as one of these people that thinks Iraq and Iran are the same because they are both in the same region and are spelled with many of the same letters.


The trump blimp coming to America musta really got to him. Now he’s acting out his toddler in the grocery store antics using the all caps tweeter.


Trump is like a star that exploded into existence on 06.16.2015, expanded rapidly into a gaseous cloud that devours all in its path, detectable by the ponzi field it generates, collapsing finally to a point after exhausting all available star matter and swept into the dustbin of history by Robert Swan Mueller III circa 11.06.2018.

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I’ve visited Iran. They would be no push over in a war. The 1st strike from them and 1st casualty would be Israel. That is how it would start. Israel’s response would be nuclear. Trump’s response would be to blame Obama.