Discussion: Iowa GOPer Who Aired Hog Castration Ad Wins U.S. Senate Nomination

Joni sucks Koch…

It’s so bad it’s jarring. Even the picture doesn’t quite do it justice. In her campaign ads the thing is so shiny and thick that it looks like a costume wig. I just want to tap her on the shoulder and say, “Honey, no. Stop that. You’re fooling no one with that monstrosity on your head.”

Absolutely, but I think it’s a function of the current Republican Party’s politics and policies. Just as with the few remaining black Republicans, to remain a Republican requires a certain amount of self-loathing and stupidity.

So cutting the balls off helpless animals is now a qualification for GOP politicians. Wonderful! This November is going to get nasty and in a hurry.

Miss Piggy . . has received millions in farm subsidies, hopefully her Dem
opponent will bring this up…