Its going to be the new Roe v. Wade after SCOTUS hands down its latest decision. A wedge issue to infuriate their base as they pander and promise to overturn it if elected…
…and then do absolutely nothing about it except wring their hands and continue to make it a wedge issue.
Nor do I suspect it to continue much beyond this election cycle. Their base really can’t handle focusing their outrage on several issues. And abortion is something that have decades invested in, so its clearly the issue they will want to stick with. Gay marriage is just current.
My guess is it goes 6-3 in favor of gay marriage. But as far as mobilizing the democratic base for a constitutional amendment…there is no need. Equal rights is already guaranteed under the 14th Amendment. Nor do I think it would be possible to pass any amendment with the republicans in control of what…30some state legislatures right now?
“You would have to really have a ridiculous and absurd reading of the
U.S. Constitution to reach the conclusion that people have a right to
marry someone of the same sex,” Rubio said.
I don’t believe the Constitution says that people have the right to marry someone of the opposite sex, either.
Funny Ted Crud would mention fascism in his screed against the LGBT and the left wing. Seems Mr. Crud does not understand what that word really means.
From the 14 defining characteristics of fascism:
Rampant Sexism - The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Divorce, abortion and homosexuality are suppressed and the state is represented as the ultimate guardian of the family institution.
Religion and Government are Intertwined - Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government’s policies or actions.
I’m waiting for some media personality to ask these clowns, jointly or severally, just what they think “with liberty and justice for all” means. I expect that one or all of them will say that it doesn’t apply to blacks, Hispanics, gays, Muslims, or females.
While I’m waiting, I plan to read War and Peace, Anna Karenina, The Brothers Karamazov, and Crime and Punishment, all in the original Russian. I figure I’ll still have time to squeeze in Gibbon’s Decline and Fall and Will and Ariel Durant’s Mansions of Philosophy.
Then why do they keep electing a college dropout like Steve King to the House of Representatives? If King is as big an embarrassment to Iowa as the out-of-state rubes are, why do they keep selecting him to represent them? Is northwest Iowa the fly-over equivalent of east Texas?
There aren’t 38 state legislatures that would pass such an Amendment.
That’s true, and a problem for Dems for a lot of reasons. But, whether it would pass or not is not the same as whether there would be an uprising of the Democratic base, which might just light a fire and get us a Karl Rove type plan to take back state legislatures.
But as far as mobilizing the democratic base for a constitutional amendment…there is no need. Equal rights is already guaranteed under the 14th Amendment.
But we’re contemplating an adverse decision by the Court. If that were to happen, the Court would have specifically found no protection for same sex marriage under the 14th Amendment. That would leave gay people that live in places like North Dakota (which can’t even pass anti-discrimination laws for LGBT people, much less pass marriage equality) to wait until their state “evolves” on the issue. If Loving v. Virginia had gone the other way, there are places where interracial marriage would likely have continued to have been banned for decades.
Doesn’t seem like all that grovelling is doing them any good. I can’t imagine what they were thinking. Thanks for the link. “This community is spitting you out.” Ouch!
I was born and raised in Iowa. I know whereof I speak.
I lived in both North-Central and South-East Iowa for many, many years and you are looking at the state through rose-colored glasses.
There are MANY rubes in Iowa, all you have to do it get out of any town 1 mile into the countryside.
They are nothing if not Ignorant (in most cases not willfully, but there you go…)
Des Moines, is the most sophisticated of the cities, and even that has a high percentage of rubes, again, not vindictive rubes like you find in the deep-south, just “Useful Idiots” who are EXTREMELY Provincial.
They “can’t see beyond their own noses” as we used to say, and generally don’t WANT TO.
I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes from Benjamin Franklin: “We are all born ignorant, but you must work very hard to remain stupid.”
“…[Republican candidate’s] support for laws allowing businesses to refuse to serve gay customers…”
Some of whom, by the way, are Republicans. The fact that gay Republicans are fine being discriminated against by their own party is their choice. The rest of the world doesn’t have to be.