Discussion: Iowa Faith and Freedom summit

Gay Jihadists do stuff like spray pink graffiti on Assembly of God churches, insert Calvin Klein underwear ads in hymnals, and stand outside Baptist churches in groups and throw shade on the ladies’ hat choices.

This apocalyptic threat MUST be eradicated!


Speaking as someone from the middle class, my “economic burden from the government” isn’t a burden, and I think it’s both politically and practically stupid to keep pretending it is. Sure, reduce the burden on the lower class … and raise it on the wealthy enough that we can start fixing all the shit we’ve allowed to fall apart.

Please, let’s stop pursuing more tax cuts and etc that inevitably benefit the wealthy far more than they benefit anyone else.


“Nazi salute in the air like you just don’t care! Adolph Cruz is in the house, yo, Adolph Cruz is in the house!”


I’ve always agreed with Mr. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., who so famously said, “I like taxes. With them I purchase civilization.”


“There is a liberal fascism that is going after Christian believers.”

Wait, isn’t that redundant as far as Cruz is concerned? I thought in right-wing world all fascists were liberal by definition.

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Okay…here’s the thing. Here in Vermont, we have a problem with just how expensive it is to get licensed to do certain jobs like nursing and teaching. That is the economic burden I’m talking about not taxes.

If we raised taxes on the Upper Classes, we could reduce things like property taxes, and state fees in states where we have smaller populations and a strong social safety network.

Lord Paddy Ashdown, formerly of the British Parliament, stated “Taxes are the price we pay for civilization.”

Or as I like to put it- you see that road out there…your taxes paid for that sucker.


That works too

Some no-brainstorming suggestions to make Steve “Melon Calves” King happy:

The Ordinary Court. The Daily Court, The Entry-Level Court. The Basic Cable Court. The Inside Stateroom Court. The Prix Fixe Court. The Upper Stadium Court. The Dollar Menu Court.

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Most of these folks look like raging dickoholics.

I dunno. If the SCOTUS rules the way it should, I think the issue goes down the memory hole for the GOP.

Yep. How ridiculous and absurd to imagine that equal protection under the law, and due process are meant for gay people too.

The nerve!

I’m sensing an Internet meme here!!!


Yet that is the only way this is going to play out for them if the SCOTUS does indeed rule correctly.

Not at all likely.

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Alright Mr. DJ, cue up “Tears of a Clown” or at least “Send in the Clowns.” America needs a good laugh.

I can see a plank of the REPUG Playform being a push for a Constitutional Amendment outlawing Gay Marriage and defining as Man/Woman

Already is:

We recognize and honor the courageous efforts of those who bear the many burdens of parenting alone, even as we believe that marriage, the union of one man and one woman must be upheld as the national standard, a goal to stand for, encourage, and promote through laws governing marriage.

And yet Republicans erode my faith and freedoms every single day. That is their reason for being.

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I’m getting fed the fuck up of these bigots and shitheels parading around my state.


I think a little confrontation might be in order.

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Liberal Fascism? Is that like Electable Republican? Which part of Fascism being a conservative flavor is confusing? Further, how is is possible to ignore all of the liberal religious voters?