Discussion: Iowa Faith and Freedom summit

Discussion for article #235704

“You would have to really have a ridiculous and absurd reading of the U.S. Constitution to reach the conclusion that people have a right to marry someone of the same sex,” Rubio said.

And that slavery shouldn’t exist; and that slaves are 3/5 of a person . . .


Gay marriage seems more and more likely to become a bigger issue on the campaign trail than anyone would’ve previously imagined. As the economy continues to slowly improve and we look less likely to go to war, it looks like the GOP is turning back to the tried and true-social issues. Back in 2004, they won the presidency and did quite well campaigning on those issues. Not anymore. With SCOTUS set to deliver their decision on gay marriage just a month or so before the first GOP debate, I expect marriage equality to be at the forefront of the 2016 campaign. Being forced by the base to support a position an increasing majority of Americans are against cannot be good for the GOP. More and more, I’m thinking this will be yet another election the GOP loses before they’ve even picked a nominee.


The STUPID is STRONG with these people and the “Furious Five” need to reinforce it as much as they can.
Of course, what else do the Republican Prima-Donna’s have to run on?
The economy is improving.
The ACA is working better than even it’s strongest supporters hoped.
Minimum wages are being raised due to grass-roots action.
The Iranian Bomb is moving to the back-burner due to DIPLOMACY (that bane of Manly-Men.)
The job market is improving.
Obama is STILL Black, and STILL President, and the clown-car Republicans can’t accomplish ANYTHING in Congress except back-stabbing and name-calling (usually about each other.)
The useful idiots in Iowa STILL don’t realize how badly they are being bamboozled by the carpet-baggers they call candidates.
There is a reason that “The Music Man” was set in a (fictional) Iowa town of easily manipulated rubes.


These right wing culture “issues” are very stale and lack passion. With some Christians coming out against Tony Perkins, many coming out FOR same sex marriage it sounds like the Christian right is in a civil war of it’s own. Hum. Interesting times we live in.


“You would have to really have a ridiculous and absurd reading of the U.S. Constitution to reach the conclusion that people have a right to marry someone of the same sex,” Rubio said.

Better get lots of water ready for the Senator. He’s about to have a big shock.


It really amazes me that this has become such a huge issue. From a political perspective they all should have gotten in a room and said “look, if we make this an issue in the primaries, we’re gonna lose in the general. So everyone agree to leave this alone, it’s not working for most of Americans, just the base.”

This wedge issue is now more of a “single issue voter” benefit to the Democrats than it is for the GOP. The idea that we’d have a president that would be pushing to set LGBT issues back a few decades will definitely bring out more young liberals, and make young conservatives feel pretty halfhearted about voting for these guys.


Wow. The alleged GOP establishment candidates haven’t even announced yet, while the Never-to-be-Elected crowd burns the whole house down, and defines the 2016 election strictly along the radical TeaPublican agenda!

This ought to be good!


If Democrats are smart, they’ll run on trying to reduce the economic burden from the government on the Middle Class and Lower Class. The Republicans only have social issues to run on and that could be a huge problem for them. The “I hate gays” might work for the GOP base, but not for everyone else.


Hope so, Plucky.

Who would have thought this would be the case even 4 years ago?


They may have done just that, but this is what happens when you’re the party of MEEEEE. They no longer function as a party, agreeing to take lumps or let go of issues that might be advantageous for their own, individual political prospects, but are poisonous for the party as a whole.

Yep, and it’s probably also an issue that if the Republican nominee tries to pivot to “I accept, but disagree with the court’s decision and think it’s time to move on”, they will risk losing some of the base who’ll want someone to vow to keep up the fight.


Who was in charge of torches and firewood for the burnings at the stake?

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Baby Jane Bachman or Wasilla Kardashian


Also, let’s just say, for the sake of argument, that the US SC rules against gay marriage as a constitutional right (I personally think it will go 5-4 our way, maybe even 6-3 or 7-2, Scalia and Thomas are lost causes). If that were to happen, the GOP candidates would brag about how they were right all along, while the democratic base would be mobilized toward a constitutional amendment like we haven’t seen in decades.


Homophobia runs so strongly in this nation I expect forms of civil disobedience to manifest in this area if SCOTUS makes gay marriage legal. Some zealots will probably resort to violence. Fear and hatred motivate people to do ghastly things their fellow citizens. Worse, many will wear as a badge of honor the commission of these ghastly things. Hence you see religious and political leaders prepping their followers to be martyrs for the cause. “Martyr” can only mean one thing; sacrificing life, limb and personal freedom (as in going to jail) to fight LGBT rights. It’s going to get ugly.


There aren’t 38 state legislatures that would pass such an Amendment.


All fascists need scapegoats. The Nazis had their Jews. The Republicans have their Gays. SOS.


Absolutely, but I don’t think Democrats should shy away from social issues either. I can’t think of one major social issue where the Democrats aren’t with the majority. Plus, I think Republicans railing against the SCOTUS decision could give Democrats an excellent segue into talking about the make up of SCOTUS and the importance of electing a president who’ll nominate judges who’ll respect LGBT equality.

That’s a damn good point.


And this is how Hillary Clinton will win the White House–on a silver platter, handed to her by Republicans.



“It works like this: I say ‘Sieg’ and you say ‘Heil’. Now, let’s try it again.”