With visions of Efren Zimbalist JR and the FBI when they were nothing but the force for good swirling in their consciousness
Strzok is near the top of their counterterrorism staff and if he’s any example it’s a credit to them. You get wingnut jerks in any group of cops. But there are good ones, and I imagine the best always think about working for the FBI.
All this shows how desperate the Republicans are. They know that tRump is guilty as hell, they know he’s probably a Russian agent (conscious or a “useful idiot”), and they know that if the truth comes out he, and their party, are beyond salvation.
Well, it’s not exactly an age-old question. It dates from 1954, when Boston establishment lawyer Joseph Welch asked it of Joe McCarthy.
Reading the thread so far, I am in an all of the above mentality. Everyone has a valid point. Republicans will create a new outrage to wash it away. Which is a tactic, keep us reeling over and over again. So it is up to everyone to make sure it does not.
Referencing the comments above, looking at the balance between people being compromised or movement conservatives. Both and a lot of betweens.
I used to think it was just a bit of conspiratorial nonsense, but I’m pretty sure that the Russians have some sort of kompromat on the Republicans that they got when the GOP’s own computer systems were hacked into. That and the fact that the bulk of the Republican congresscritters aren’t there to engage in doing their jobs, but in trying to find ways to screw over the average citizen while lining their pockets (and bank accounts).
Typical ignorant rethugnican ‘show trial’.
In my evening dip into the fever swamps to see how the hearing played there, I found it interesting that they were focused far more on his demeanor (e.g. ‘He thinks he’s so smart’ to the ‘I’d like to punch that smirk off his face’) than anything that was said. I was thinking that for your average voter tuning into the nightly news, including educated Republican voters, seeing that clip of Strzok probably reminded them of a guy they’re friendly with at work, or that guy they hung out with at college. I can’t help but think that ‘establishment Republicans’ watching that show trial must be shitting their pants that the GOP membership numbers are going to continue their steady decline.
All the hearings needed, to cap things off, was an appearance by Roland Freisler.
Those unhappy few. The rest are watching Fox News.
No, they are doing it for giant tax cuts, total deregulation, and stacking the SCOTUS with individuals who will grant their every wish including voter suppression and consolidation of their power for the next 3 decades.
Agreed. Everyone wants their side to be the Tom Cruise character in the closing of A Few Good Men. I’m sure the deluded GOP reps thought they might get to play Cruise. But Szrtok became Lt. Daniel Kaffee, and the Reps looked like Col. Jessep before he incriminates himself.
And themselves or at least their pocketbooks.
These people have obviously not been paying attention for the last 20 years. This is exactly what the GOP does when they are in power. They are party first, regardless of all other factors, including truth, facts, decency or common sense.
“Both sides will get what they want,” he said, “but collectively, for the country, it’s a giant waste of time.”
But it was a waste of time entirely forced on us by media hungry Republicans who have nothing to add to the national conversation.
Exactly. We all know what the hell happened. So the GOP has to engage in a huge theatrical production just to survive. They continue, as they have, to fool some of the people all the time. “Some of the people” translates to “their base.” But in their quest to fool enough of the people to survive the midterms, this was a colossal defeat. The narrative won’t be “Could the investigation really be tainted?” It’ll be “Why is the GOP desperate to protect Trump?” I really think it’s comparable to Joseph Welch at the Army-McCarthy hearings. That didn’t end McCarthy overnight. But it turned things around. I swear to God Gowdy looked ashamed and cowed during that chewing out, like he was thinking “Oh shit this is bad this is really bad,” and images like that are devastating.
His body language was interesting as hell during the whole thing.
(I am not a dentist however, so YMMV)
I swear to God Gowdy looked ashamed and cowed during that chewing out, like he was thinking “Oh shit this is bad this is really bad,” and images like that are devastating.
As Colbert pointed out last night, Gowdy shrunk in his chair because he had just had his ass handed to him. He was empty from the waist down The expression on Gowdy’s face was priceless.
We do try to avoid genetic fallacy, so you’re good.
Trey Gowdy is a joke