QAnon is basically every dumb conservative chain email tidbit of pure bullshit all collected together and smashed into one big indecipherable mess. It’s the illogical conclusion to all things alt-right, and I think it has a lot to do with the collective denial by Trump’s dumbest supporters that Trump is actually the giant, incompetent, and corrupt mess that people with functioning brains warned them about - so they’re inventing all of this to avoid having to face that fact. Trying to make sense of it is like trying to reason with somebody who gets into arguments with clouds. What’s scary is that it’s just a matter of time before they get people killed.
Yes, but they’re going to be filthy rich because some African prince has offered them half of his sixty million dollars for letting him use their bank account. Some of them had to go out and open bank accounts to get in on the deal.
Gee, a 4chan anonymous wacko identity to keep the stupids worked up. Sounds Russian to me.
Sadly I have relatives who have been touting this bozo/group of bozos since last year. When I had one show me what they were talking about, he took me to the 4chan thread (on his computer, that place is infested with all manner of computer diseases, lol). I literally just laughed in his face. How anyone believes this is a real insider is beyond me. Within a few sentences it’s the most obvious hoax I’ve seen. But still he believes this nonsense. Scary stupid.
Meanwhile it’s a lot of projections since they are the party that keeps turning up with pedo’s, and has people like ted the pedo nugent at the WH.
Well if they weren’t involved already I think they are now aware of another way to spread BS.
The Russians, it’s been posited, probably correctly.
I wonder what the pay scale is for being a Q? How do you advance in such an organization? Do you get paid by the puzzle or how far up your arse you pull this stuff from?
Nobody ever does it quite like Rachel, but he did a good job.
This delusion reminds me of all of those end-timers whose dates for meeting the Almighty slide by and get recalculated ad nauseum but they continue to be completely and totally convinced the next time will be the right time, until it’s not… But they never, ever learn from it.
I think it’s fair to be horrified regardless of political affiliation.
Everybody is missing the plain truth here. Q “uses the plural, ‘We’”. Who else does that? Hint: It’s called the ROYAL “We”. And her initial- Q as in The Queen. And she wore that brooch the Obamas gave her when she met Trump. Come on, do I have to spell it out for you guys?
(snort) They lost me when they claimed a Q clearance was a “high-level government security clearance”. A Q clearance is sort of a basic clearance, not “high level”.
Well done!
I object to this cultural appropriation.
“Q” is actually an entity who helps the human race get better, not wallow in insane Reich-wing wet-dreams from the Ministry of Truth.
But, hiding deep in their dank and fetid lairs, they probably never crawled into the daylight.
The Trial Never Ends.
I thought Q was a member of British inteligence that complained a lot about 007 touching his lunch…
Q says P comes right before R and that Q is actually a fake letter and shouldn’t be in the alphabet. /s
“Q” is really impotent
- almost totally incapable of anything
- hardly ever goes out in public without “U”
This article leaves a lot out. But the real takeaway from this is that liberals need to wake up to how effective the Alt-right is in pushing narratives onto crazy people, and then getting those crazy talking points repeated in the corporate media and places like here. The whole Q trollspiracy is really just built on a lot of the stuff the trolls ‘edited out’ of the original Pizzagate trollspiracy minus Pizza place.
“Pizzagate” was a watershed moment in the internets history. It showed that Alt-Right internet trolls have the power to literally weaponize ‘stupid’. That’s why I call them “trollspiracies”. The political version of the Nigerian prince scam.
From the moment when that dumbass walked into a pizza place with an assault riffle we will forever live in a world where internet trolls will push stupid (and yes they are all stupid) conspiracies about their political enemies in an attempt to get some dumbshit not just to vote a certain way, but to violently act out against those enemies.
I fear conspiracy theories are becoming the new Alt_Right troll way of saying ‘Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?’
I’ve skimmed Q threads on freerepublic a few times. They are like infowars in a blender. That crazy guy who wanders around downtown dressed in a dirty housecoat and wearing a plastic crown while he pushes a one-eyed babydoll around in a stroller yelling at the air in front of him? He is more coherent than the Q conspiracy logic.
My thoughts exactly…
Someone on 4chan posted something crazy and unsubstantiated? Isn’t that, like, 4chan’s mission statement?