And on that note, I’m done for the day!
She’s got what, an hour or so to fill every day on her show? I’m amazed she was able to come up with something this bright.
News about the Security Council’s vote?
Laura and the wingnuts have cracked the case: Obama must be in league with the Russian separatists and/or the hordes of Central American children, and/or Hamas and Israel; all to distract from
I thought the border ‘crisis’ was being used to distract from Benghazi?
I think TPM gives people like this far too much coverage and in the process gives them credit for accomplishing something and creating substantive policy from the comfort of the TV or radio studio.
Lacking attention Laura with all these other things going on in the world ?
Agreed. These people are like mosquitoes that fly into a burning candle. They flame for one spectacular second and then are gone until the next incarnation.
I used to think it was good to know what they were saying. But I no longer do. They add nothing to the discussion of any issue.
Those Central American kids are causing more trouble than Putin. People are getting them mixed up with YMCA campers.
There is always Benghazi, the 47% all driving pink cadillacs, corporate personhood, Michelle forcing kids to eat fruit and vegetables and those fertility idols known as the Unborn.
Buy Laura a ticket for the next flight over the insurgent area in eastern Ukraine and call her a coward if she doesn’t go.
I suppose she would feel comfortable if she was packing her own heat and could defend herself with the 2nd Amendment against any missile?
I must admit I love that term “toilet witch”. Very fitting of Laura and others in that parties
You Lie-berals just don’t get it.
The most important story of the day - any day - is the one that shows how weak, or how dictatorial, or how clueless, or how much of an evil mastermind, Obama is.
Obama is all those things, and whatever “aspect” he dons at any given time, it is guaranteed to be the WRONG ONE - at least as far as real Americans are concerned.
Now quit whining about Dr. Laura. She had the good sense to boff Dinesh D’Souza when he was People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive,” and it’s almost a sure thing that Rush will be next - the second he tires of underage Dominican boys.
Amen to that.
It was inevitable. I’m just surprised that Fox hasn’t speculated that Obama caused the airplane crash.
aren’t they focusing on blaming obama for all the things they did under bush? aren’t they talking about benghazi,border crisis,etc because they don’t want to talk about their failure with president bush and the economy bush left us with?
Lulz, I was just thinking something similar. Since teahadists aren’t able to walk and chew gum at the same time, they assume that no one else is able to both, either.
She thinks she has actual power now, after Cantor’s loss…and dammit, she wants to use it.
Yes Laura in fact he CAUSED the plane crash just so he could distract from the kids coming across the border. You’re an idiot.
Is TPM trying to distract us from real news by covering Laura Ingraham?