Discussion: Ingraham: GOP Should Avoid 'PC Puritans Of The Left,' Not Critique Northam

To think that she dated Dinesh D’Souza really creeps me out.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a lot of Russia trolls on NYT comment boards.

The GOP is becoming the Big Tent party – are you a racist, misogynist or Christianist? Have no ethics, scruples or morals? There’s room in our tent for YOU!!!


She’s right. It is a trap. What she doesn’t get is it is a trap no matter what Republicans do. If they join in, they look like hypocrites if they don’t aim their fire at Trump. If they don’t, they become even more the party that condones racism.

Watch the rhetoric get more and more desperate as the base sees it all slipping away from them.


Northam was once a registered Republican. Perhaps the GOP is beginning to realize his potential replacements will be more liberal…?

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which one was he? Was he the dude wearing blackface or was he wearing the Klansmen?

He claims he was not in that photo at all.

That was this past Saturday.

He said that he was one of the guys on Friday.

One of the things that irks me about all of this is that while neither man’s (or woman) identity could be sussed out, unless that yearbook is proven to be a hoax, then there’s a picture of Klansman on Northam’s page and nobody knows who it is or why the picture is there.

According to some community members, it’s either ‘elaborate costuming’, ‘other liberals did it’ or strangely forgiving, cause ‘Trump’.

Northam voted for Republican George W. Bush in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections.

That’s not all that long ago.

"…Democrats, they’re tripping all over themselves to prove how enlightened they are by throwing even their own under the PC express.”

Something NO Republican would ever do! They love their racists! (See Stewart, Corey.)

Didn’t know that but I had a sense about him, has a conservative vibe. Guess he jumped ship in ‘05 like a lot of others.

Ingraham is all tactics.

If we weren’t piling on, she would be, with all the disingenuous outrage we’ve come to know and love. Well, come to know, anyway.