Discussion: Indiana Hires PR Firm To Repair Image After Religious Freedom Fight

In general, science denying, homophobic paleo-rightwing medieval Christians make shitty public servants. They live in a bubble.

On the plus side, lots of stimulus money out there to clean up the wreckage. Certain sectors are thriving in the midst of this self-inflicted dark age. Con artists always need shills.


Indiana’s horrendous reputation is set in stone.The whole world was
watching. No PR campaign will wipe away this stain of intollerance that
is a result of stupidty and ignorance. The only way back is for the non-
crazies in the state to elect a Governor and legislature that live in
the 21st. century.The 1950’s are gone forever.


So their attempt to institutionalize homophobia into their laws is costing Indiana extra money.



What fun it would be to help the PR firm out.

Here’s my contribution:

  1. Rename state to West Vermont
  2. “Bigots are people, too” ad campaign
  3. Annual state legislature Dress-up-as-Judy-Garland-and-sing-along-to-Somewhere-Over-The-Rainbow
  4. State workers required to use “gay” in place of “happy” in all official correspondence and speeches.

I wonder how many companies were looking at Indiana as a possible location to open a facility or relocate their corporate offices, but have since scratched the state off the list? I also wonder the same about conventions and other gatherings? I imagine Indiana has lost billions behind this idiotic, hateful move Mike Pence hoped to use to raise his Republican street cred.


Whatever the pr firms suggests, they better not try to to promote Indiana as the best place on earth to get married. Between those world famous pizza-catered receptions and florists who will not serve Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Hindus or Mormons because of their Christian Wrong religious liberties, there isn’t much reason for anyone to get married in that state.

I apologize if I’ve left off any other religion that is considered evil by the wedding planners of Indiana.

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Indiana now has the image if should have always had.

The Far Right and Pence wanted this image. So now they can live with it and should not waste taxpayer money trying to fix what they consider perfectly proper…and were proud of just two weeks ago.


I believe Brownback is using your #3 to try to fix the poor image of KS after his failed Trickle Down policies bankrupted the state. Indiana needs to come up with some NASCAR-type cleansing approach perhaps?

How about: “Drive through this state fast” if you accidentally stray across our state lines.

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Better off hiring a cosmetologist. Gonna take a lot of lipstick to turn this pig into a Care Bear.



Sam Clemens pretty much summed up the hypocrisy in “Huckleberry Finn.” Those that live in these small town utopias know it better than others and will be the first to admit it for what it really is. If you are the wrong uppity race, gender or religion, you might as well forget about that justice for all stuff.


Having just watched Elizabeth I (daughter of Henry VIII) with Helen Mirren, I’m going to suggest the punishment Mary, Queen of Scots (great niece of same monarch) suffered at her hands be inflicted on certain IN officials who really don’t need their heads because they don’t use them.

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Indiana Is For Some Lovers!

You can’t shine shit.


Probably the best way for Indiana to fix its image is an election where Gov. Pence and the rest of the republican troglodytes in that state legislature are voted out of office and replaced by sane people. Namely democrats.

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Homophobic Klan is as homophobic Klan does. The PR firm is fighting a losing battle.

In a sane universe yes, they wouldn’t throw money at a problem but sanity is in short supply for them. They need to hire somebody who can actually think for a change… But as I said in another post here the better solution would be to vote these idiots out. Or perhaps a recall movement??

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I think the Mythbusters tried that. But then, Pence and friends likely don’t watch the Discovery Channel opting instead for the derp on Fox News.

Idiots don’t vote out idiots they’ve voted in.

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There’s hope:

“A new poll on Monday released by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner research found that 85 percent of Indianans felt business owners shouldn’t be allowed to refuse to serve a customer based on sexuality.”

From the article above.


But Pence and the legislature represent the 15% that do. That’s the problem in Indiana…everyday, every week, every election.