Discussion for article #232616
Goebbels would be proud.
Как губернатор , я могу заверить вас, что [план] не соответствует моим ожиданиям , и если этот сайт не соответствует моим ожиданиям уважая роль свободной независимой прессы , я от нее откажутся.
Stupid. Not even a competent liar.
“Indiana Gov. Mike Pence ®, in an interview with a conservative radio
host, denied knowing anything about a state-run news site he reportedly
planned to start.”
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha – [breathe, breathe] – hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…
…ah, @darrtown, didn’t hear you; I was too busy laughing.
“I have no idea about that thing I just talked about.”
Coming from a Republican, why is anyone surprised by this?
Sgt. “Mike” Schultz.
Huh? What? Nevermind.
Lying little SOB
The CEO of Enron didn’t know what was going on right under his nose either
The old “Christie defense”.
Perhaps the good Governor should practice his Sargent Shultz (Hogan’s Heroes) imitation, “I know nothing!”
We can trust Pence. He runs a tight ship.
Ok–so how IS IT that you had no knowledge–are you incompetent and derelict in your duties? Or are you a dissembling, lying, deceptive bastard? It can only be one or the other. Which is it?
I’ll bet he’s got a wide stance too.
‘‘You weren’t supposed to know about it! Or report it! Why can’t the press just do its job and run my PR releases? Then we wouldn’t need a state-run press agency for propaganda purposes! Not that such a thing exists! What?’’
He should have just let his state-run news site, respond to these allegations because there’s no way it could be any worse than this response
Wow. I as a Hoosier have always referred to Pence as a “mobile vegetable.” To that I can now add the well deserved epithet of “pathetic, congenital liar.” I sincerely hope if this sorry excuse for a human being decides to run for president, his opponents are taking careful notes. He cannot even admit that the implementation of Medicaid in the state is what it is, an acceptance of Federal tax dollars, which Indiana citizens paid to the Fed, coming back to the state for a good purpose. His announcement of caving in and allowing the implementation of the program was totally void of any admission or acknowledgement of the plain and simple fact that, however he sugar coated it with proposals to humiliate and punish the poor, the basis of the program was good old Federal Socialism in Action, expanded Medicaid, which is part and parcel of “Obamacare.” So clearly, Pence is all against the values of socialism, except when he accepts it to implement Medicaid for the undeserving poor, or when he sets up a news agency that reeks of government control of the media. Goebbels is laughing is ass off right now.