Discussion: Incensed About Woodward's Book, Trump Calls On 'Washington Politicians' To Change Libel Laws



You petty, ignorant, arrogant man-child.


Yes, let’s litigate Woodward’s book to determine if a libel has occurred. Hmmm. let’s see, that means a couple hundred White House and administration employees, the Cabinet, the Joint Chiefs and Trump must testify under oath and penalty of perjury about everything they contend is a lie and a libel. Sure, let’s go, we can start today. How about it, Donnie?


Trump’s claim that he didn’t know Woodward wanted to talk as part of his research for the bombshell book!

Everyone knows Trump is lying.

I suppose Trump would have served if the military had called! The US military called the dotard 5 times and he lied his way out!

Impeach the lying crook!

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Alternative headline: Source Confirms it’s All True.


Change Libel Laws? Good, then Obama will sue your a$$.


We need new Libel Laws = I demand the right to silence anyone immediately by the mere threat of the new libel laws.

I bet he would never go to court if the Libel laws were favorable for exactly the reasons you point out.

He just wants censorship authority.


It’s a shame someone can win an election by lies and deceit with help from a foreign government and a compliant press and there is nothing the american citizen can do to resolve the situation. There should be laws to prevent this


Also note, I am seeing his twitter feed referencing Breitbart articles again. Not sure if this was the norm, but it seems new to me.

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The book will be published in the UK. British libel laws are strict. Sue him here, Donald. You’ll have to give witness statements under oath.


Sounds fine to me. Let’s pass British style libel laws then sit back and enjoy the lawsuits filed against BreitFART, Fox, Rush, Hate Radio, Drudge, Chuck C Johnson, Jim Hoft, Malkin, OANN, Franky Graham Cracker, SincLIAR…


Isn’t it a shame that someone can write an article or book run a news station, totally make up stories and form a picture of a person that is literally the exact opposite of the fact, and get away with it without retribution or cost. Don’t know why Washington politicians don’t change libel laws?



There are. They’re all the laws that permit the citizenry to go to the voting booth and cast a ballot for President. Which we did. Which elected Trump. We had laws in place to prevent Trump from becoming President. We didn’t utilize them. We stayed home or voted for him in sufficient numbers that the Electoral College (another legally impaneled body) certified him the victor.

No one was required to pay any attention to the lies and deceit. Everyone had the option of discerning the foreign interference and ignoring it.

Caveat emptor.

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Censorship? No, he wants full fascist authority.


Has anyone told him that libel laws apply to Twitter, too?


It has been my experience with cockroaches that they avoid exposure to light.


Isn’t it a shame that someone can use phrases like “everybody knows” and “many people are saying” and “they said” without ever mentioning a specific person* or group of people, and totally make up stories that are literally the exact opposite of true, and get away with it without retribution or cost? Don’t know why Washington reporters don’t ask follow up questions.

*With apologies to Jim, who builds plants all over the world when he’s not not going to Paris because of Sharia law or something howdyyouimpeachsomeonewhoisdoingagreatjobwitchhunt.


Double plus good! We don’t need public health and safely laws either! Tobacco warnings, drinking laws, and our endless push for gun laws? Bah! Everyone is capable of making there own informed decision.

Expect it’s so easy to misinform people, and it requires little effort for those skilled in that trade of lies.


Please proceed, IMPOTUS

And you’ll be the very first one sued.