Discussion: In Reversal, GOP Rep. Ellmers Now Says She'll Vote For Abortion Bill

“Oops upside the head, I say oops upside the head! Oops upside the head!”~Gap Band…

Thank you President Obama for this wonderful VICTORY!

Boehner, if you keep going in this direction, you are going to be CRUSHED by the time you get to 2016! The GoP will be crossing over that battle line totally DEFEATED! And the folks who voted you in are going to be snipping at your heals all the way through this congressional term.

Not to mention that the world now knows that your response darling Joni Ernst is a total liar! Her family have benefited on farm subsidies going back to the mind 1990’s. In the $100,000’s of thousands of dollars. And yet her mommy only brought her one pair of darling shoes and she protected the from getting wet, by slipping plastic bread bags over them…and how she didn’t feel alone because when she got on her school bus she would see other kids like her and they too were protecting their only shoes with plastic bread bags.

Yeah, this is total gunk!

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But this is governing…GoP/Neo-Con/Tea Party/1%ers/.1%ers style!

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Can’t President Obama just do an Omni-veto and be done with it??

Nothing about any of the crazy Repubs or their fantasies is real. And none should be surprising. Not any more!

The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. I wonder who just rocked her cradle?

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I’ve seen flip-flop before, but this is just flop. Wonder who reminded the congresslady of her congressgal status.

And the GOP are cranking up their War on Women .

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As noted in the lead, the headline understates it: This is a re-reversal. More twists and turns than a snake.

Way to stand up for what you believe, oh wait, no backbone, can’t stand up.

It won’t get vetoed because it won’t get out of the Senate. This is one of those bills that McConnell has been dreading. Now the GOP has the Senate, they don’t get the cover that having Reid shut down all of the House’s crazy for them…now they have to deal with it themselves.

This is nothing but a rhetorical bill tossed out to appease the social cons. Its hardly the thing that McConnell wants to force his first stand off with the WH over.

The “legitimate rape” is the piece they wanted in there the most. They know this bill is going nowhere in the Senate, and even if it did, its going under the Veto pen. This is part of a bigger strategy to move the window on the national discussion.

Right now, abortions are legal in every state. Not a single state has a law outlawing abortion except in cases of rape. They are legal regardless of the reason for them. The point of this bill, and all the noise created by Akin and others inserting their rape language into the discussion, is to move the discussion from, “Should abortions be legal?” to “Should abortions be legal in cases of rape?”, implying by the very basis of the argument, that they should be illegal in all other cases.

Renee you ignorant slut…