Dismembering a body with a bone saw is another process crime—rarely prosecuted.
Brilliant defense: 'I didn’t want to. Furthermore, I really didn’t want to."
Wow, that’s a beauty.
“This is not a case of possible collusion. This is sweeping, multi-layered, high level conspiracy led by Vladimir Putin and the Russian intelligence community and involving the active cooperation and complicity of a man who was a candidate for president and then president…”
and on and on
Yes yes yes
Ignorance of the law is at the top of the list of what he is ignorant of.
I think he was thanking Individual 1. Then someone gave him the bad news. I’m completely serious here. And oh to be a fly on the wall when he was informed of said bad news …
I had thought it was Broidy standing in for the orange one, but it occurs to me now it could simply have been a payoff: use orangulus’ fixer, and orangulus gets a cut from the fixer.
There’s a strong possibility that people close to him, i.e. family members who are also in legal jeopardy, might pressure to him leave just as certain republicans pressured Nixon to resign. My peace of mind depends on believing he won’t be around until 2021.
Broidy has interesting financial ties to both the Saudis and the UAE…
Those family members might very well be indicted so he’ll want to stay to pardon them.
…because everyone loves a two-fer
We don’t need to have his entire base turn against him, which I agree isn’t a likely outcome.
Please explain!
Regardless if Cohen is believable, if Allen Weisselberg and David Pecker corroborated what Cohen said about structuring the illegal payments, Trump should be toast.
As horrifyingly incoherent as he is most of the time, this sounds clear. He thinks he was exonerated.
But the best of today’s tweet blasts has his usual lunatic spews involving smoking guns, witch hunts, a Rivera name check, and the ever popular no collusion.
Within days of Trump’s team getting access to intelligence about the Russian investigation, several people tied to the case were killed or imprisoned in Russian.
If our system of checks and balances allows someone like Trump to remain in office, the system is beyond broken (and is totally useless).
This is key. The payments are then tied to the Trump Organization, which then involves money laundering, etc. Much more serious that the payment to Cohen.
The key to Senate conviction is McConnell, and 2020 is the year he and about 19 other senators are up for reelection. They’ve probably heard about the 40-seat Dem pickup in the House and they might act accordingly. Nothing like self preservation for spine stiffening.
The day he leaves office is the day he gets arrested. So he won’t quit, unfortunately. I don’t even think he could negotiate an “I’ll quit if you don’t press charges” deal at this point. He is too guilty of too many crimes.
Either Mueller’s evidence will be so damning that he’ll get arrested in office, or the GOP won’t put him on the 2020 ticket, or he’ll just get voted out.
Any which way, I truly think this guy dies in prison.
It is the “really” that makes it so compelling. Who can fail to be moved by a well-placed “really”?