Acorn has been feeding all the damn chipmunks that are eating away at Miss Kitty’s flower plantings. It’s not for nothing they have a poor reputation.
This is often the problem with conspiracy theories. The perpetrators of the conspiracy can apparently managed to control all sources of information, and often something just short of time and space, except the person making the claims, who they don’t even seem very interested in stopping.
The Mueller report was a colossal waste of time headed by a staunch Republican . Republicans controlled all three branches of government when Mueller was appointed.
Being as the Justice Department’s opinion is that the president cannot commit an indictable crime, Mueller could walk in a room where Trump has a “smocking” gun in his hand… an aide with a bullet hole in his head lying on the floor, Mueller’s report would conclude the president committed no crime.
Hey, it helped to keep me sane until the mid-terms.
I’m just waiting for Donnie to flee the coop.
Chewing your toenails betrays that claim.
I’d be surprised if he even read it.
Who collaborated with Jr. to write this? Another Russian government lawyer?
Like father, like son. Both stupid as hell.
No Democratic coup, but certainly a lot of Republican cuckoos.
Yeah… that fake WaPo that hit the streets back in January was actually dated as May 1, 2019. It would be strange irony indeed if the prophecy is true.
In an op-ed published in Breitbart…
I should have realized that I could have stopped reading after the first 6 words.
We’ll have to pry the Resolute Desk from his cold, dead hands.
Like father, like son. Yes indeed. Junior is already turning a tint of orange, and it also appears he is practicing daddy’s comb-over. Wonder if it does this in the wind:
What pisses me off is that “this whole russia thing” started out as a counter-intelligence investigation, and there would have been no criminal investigation of Trump and his minions WITHOUT Trump;s interference.
But because Trump fired Comey, the investigation was forced into the “criminal” realm, and Mueller was required, under the Special Prosecutor statute, to consider every action from a criminal law perspective. That law required Mueller to provide a report detailing his reasons for prosecuting or declining to prosecute those involved.
Which is just another way of reminding to people to stop talking about “obstruction of justice” and start talking about “obstruction of a counter-intelligence investigation”. The minute you talk about “obstruction of justice” you are talking about process, and losing the audience – and you wind up in Clinton territory, or Clinton adjacent at least. Because no “collusion” crime was charged, this looks like “obstruction” to cover up something that is merely embarrassing.
It is, of course, much more serious. But trying to lecture the American people on “obstruction of justice” won’t work. We need to frame the Mueller report properly, and making it about the counter-intelligence investigation is the way to go.
he is looking more hobo heehaw
With all the hoo and haw that Jr. spews I guess Trump Co. isn’t doing very well.
This article by Jr. is to actual news as trolling is to writing legitimate posts.
Please explain the president’s policy agenda to us - without using the word ‘wall’ or ‘fence’ or ‘barrier’ or ‘border’.
Bleating about one issue for 3 years is not a policy agenda.
But really junior, the overarching shame (does your family walk under the shame arch once a year as part of a ceremony?) of ‘russiagate’ is that you and your family worked with this country’s second greatest enemy to subvert democracy.
Yeah, because we think Pence would be sooooooo much better…