Whoever is most pro Trump will get it is my guess. Let’s hope it’s not Arpaio.
Need a Republican who makes it possible for good people to have an honest difference of opinion. So many of them are neither good nor honest, it’ll be near impossible with this current batch.
The obvious choice is that well respected retired politician and Arizona resident, Sarah Palin.
As far as i know, Caribou Barbie sold her Arizona home a couple years ago - no longer eligible for appointment here.
Brace yourself for another grotesque possibility:
former guv JBrewer.
Choosing Arpaio to fill McCain’s seat for the next two years would be biggest insult imaginable to McCain.
The witch who shoved her fingers in President Obama’s face a few years ago? Hard pass. :-/
Wrong state (I think)- unless she’s moved.
I feel like it won’t matter.
Unless the appointee is strongly anti-Trump, the subversion of the judiciary will continue. Koch will apply money and pressure to grease the skids for Kavanaugh. Trump will shower the person with either humiliation or praise, as needed, because he needs another ally to shield him from justice.
The GOP and the wealthy are playing hardball and it’s a hockey-style power play right now. This appointee won’t amount to more than grist for the mill of Libertarian corporate takeover.
Well, at least she’s a politician who will reach across the aisle - for a bottle of vodka, that is. She prefers the gin, but she will reach across for the vodka.
Palin’s daughter moved to Arizona. Not sure if she’s still here.
The one who said the AZ deserts were filled with corpses decapitated by Mexicans?
Yes, Protection of Trump from accountability will be the biggest factor
I heard the governor of Arizona comment that McCain was fiercely independent, and he added, as are the rest of the residents of the state. Perhaps he is signalling that he will not appoint someone who will toe the tRumpian line or maybe they just haven’t gotten to him yet to adjust his independent thinking.
The entire lot of these sonsofbitches is like trying to find the least leprous in the leper colony.