Discussion: In 180, Giuliani Will Now Allow 'Wiggle Room' For Mueller's Obstruction Qs

I assume that “no backsies” would also be a deal-breaker.


So after eliminating questions about firing Comey and Flynn, ruining Sessions good name and ordering McGahn to ensure Mueller was fired, what is left

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Naaa, We’ll get to you later. We want to hear from Junior first.


“If he can demonstrate to us he’s got a couple questions on obstruction that he doesn’t have the answer to, that he really needs the answer to and he hasn’t made up his mind that Trump is lying, we might — we might — allow that,” Giuliani told Politico.

For sheer absurdity, this may be my favorite sentence in the entire piece. How could you possibly tell if he hadn’t made up his mind that Trump is lying? And how would you know if he had the answer to the questions or not?
Mueller’s investigation is always in the background, like the Pinkerton posse in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I get the impression that they keep looking around and asking “Who are these guys?”


It is not old 9/11 call…he is not incharge…stumbling like his damn fool boss dotard bonespurs and lying to boot.

Delay, delay, almost decide, change mind, re-draft a letter, maybe decide in a week … or a month. “Formal” prep sessions haven’t started. Probably will take a couple of months. But, Trump busy campaigning and tweeting and sometimes presidenting, so it will be after November before we can start and there’s the holidays and big Mar-A-Grifto parties to go to. Maybe an interview in February or March.

Rudy in April: “We’ll come to a resolution of this investigation in a couple of weeks.”

Trump, continually: “End this rigged Witch Hunt NOW!”

And Mueller keeps investigating, indicting, prosecuting.


It’s so cute that Giuliani believes he is in control of what Mueller does about Trump.


Ask him about how great his 2016 campaign was and let him ramble for 15 minutes. He’s bound to let a gem or two slip out.


Can’t decide which of your two paragraphs I prefer. They’re both great!

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I’m so afraid I will miss something he says.


Giuliana wiggles like a satin bobblehead. I’m in favor of sucker punches aimed in his general direction.

AND, No Gotcha questions!!!


"Prep sessions! That’s a good one!

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With Giuliani at the helm, Trump is going to wiggle his way into jail.

Wiggle room? That’s rich. Trump has committed obstruction in public and bragged about it … also in public. And he did the public bragging to Russians!

Good God.


I guess we’ll believe it when we see it. They twist and turn and lie and smile out of both sides so they can always claim ‘something ‘.

Exactly! At this point, knowing what we’ve already experienced with Giuliani, why does anyone listen to him and take seriously anything he says? I mean, really. His role is to go on Fox or CNN every 24-48 hours and say something that will distract us for 24-48 hours. Then repeat.

Enough already. It’s like Rick Perry calling a news conference to discuss nuclear weapons policy. Does anyone care?

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The President of 9/11 is now an arrogant buffoon. Sad.

In actuality your client will come in, sit down, shut up, and answer the questions we ask as required for a thorough investigation. No perjury trap, but the net will catch him when he falls.

No. He’s worse off. Period. He can’t stick to a story because he’s a compulsive liar, his NPD compels him to tell people in front of him whatever he thinks wall cause them do do what he wants, his narcissism tells him he’s smarter than everyone else and his life experience says there is no legal problem you can’t get out of with lies, bellicosity and attorneys’ fees, much of which he’ll end up not paying anyway.

There are already recorded admissions, to Lester Holt and the Russians, two fake stories he put out, dozens of incriminating tweets, multiple subsequent actions indicative of intent to obstruct.All he can do in an interview with Mueller is harm himself. Leaving aside perjury and lying to federal officials, evidence of telling an exculpatory story that contradicts your prior contradictory stories is admissible evidence of consciousness of guilt.

Every word about doing an interview that spews out of this idiot’s mouth is just bravado and bullshit. Trump’s NPD may compel him to do an interview to prove he’s better, smarter, slicker, and braver than Mueller (a man whose very existence is an assault of Trump’s fragile ego), but not if his lawyers can stop him. Period.