Nah, it’s a case of if one knows they are purposely doing wrong they would refrain from discussing the matter with someone with the power to set them straight.
Also meeting with a Russian Spy in the Oval and bragging that the pressure is now off with only Russian media present. That’s a little sketchy too, no?
A better question one might ask is, “Is this a complete and total Lie?” since the info is from GOP House committess, i.e. Nunes, and reported by Faux “News”.
When an IG uses the “troubling” scam you know he’s dishing out a shitty product. How about “raises questions” or “the timing is concerning”…did he miss those scams?
How can anyone buy the “I don’t think it was politically motivated” tripe? What Comey did was huge. He has no track record of gross incompetence. Nor is he stupid. So what happened? We’re to believe he “slipped up” and made a boo boo? Bullshit. The man’s simply too smart and has too long of a contradictory track record to excuse his actions the way many are doing. And there’s the two way street thing. He covered for Trump and puked all over Clinton. Occam had a thing for this.