Had they communicated “too much”, he’d have called that “troubling” too.
You sure you weren’t “Distressed” or “Concerned”
Bite me
Or met on a tarmac
Who had last editing rights on this report?
And who has chosen which excerpts to release early?
Because this is the shit that Trump will use. And the entirety of the findings will get lost in the Trump fog machine.
OT, but…
“One of the organizations that received the Foundation’s largesse was The Mission Continues, the vets charity founded by disgraced former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens.”
No wonder the state party apparatus moved to kill any investigations of Mission Continues.
Ever hired a pest inspector who came back to you after his inspection and told you that his services wouldn’t be necessary?
Same thing here.
The hypocrisy is giving me whiplash. The idea that anyone in the GOP is upset about disclosures that possibly hurt HRC is ridiculous. And following these arguments from them is like trying to play the card game Hearts after playing Spades.
Sounds like a CYA Republican.
(CYA = cover your ass)
In 2016 the Democrats did the equivalent of drinking a fifth of nitroglycerin and jumping off of a tall building…
Sorry, but it is the truth…
I suspect neither liked the other, distrusted one another. Maybe racial, too?
But… But… Sean Hannity said 1000 times that Lynch fixed this- especially during the Clinton airport meeting. But the IG now says Comey did not speak to her about all this. Oh the humanity!
“The former attorney general was heavily criticized — especially by President Donald Trump — for privately meeting with former President Bill Clinton on her plane in June 2016.”
I agree that people in government should be careful about conflict of interest.
For example, say you’re under investigation for conspiring with the Russian military to attack the United States and subvert an American election, and you meet – alone – with the FBI director to pressure him for a pledge of “personal loyalty”.
Well, something like that would be CRAZY conflict of interest.
So it’s a good thing a hypothetical like that never happened…
Pubbies were looking for heads on platters and so far, all they have are the platters. Fuck 'em. They’ll sow doubt, one way or another, among the Trumpazoans, who will filter feed on it and incorporate it into their primitive nerve net. Fuck them too. And fuck Trump.
And yet his most ardent supporters in congress are complaining that the report may have been compromised or watered down. This isn’t what they wanted, and they made some big promises about what would be in this report that have failed to materialize.
Don’t worry…the House Judiciary and Intel Committees have made sure to release a report today that helps them distract from Horowitz’s report while they work with Faux News to cull it for out of context quotes to go hog-wild with:
I expect the following: “It doesn’t matter whether you think the report absolves Comey of political bias and it doesn’t matter if you think it shows his actions were for or against, helpful or damaging to Clinton. What matters is that it shows he and his FBI were incompetent and failed to conduct a correct investigation and that Clinton’s email was indeed compromised…all of which MANDATES that we appoint a special counsel to get it right this time. This is or should be a NONPARTISAN ISSUE for any REAL AMERICAN concerned about our NATIONAL SECURITY and the integrity of our justice system herpa derpa ho hum blather…”
I don’t want to give Fox News any hits. Which “documents” show that foreign actors accessed her “possibly Secret” emails? And were these emails at State or on her home server? Because the genuinely/seriously classified stuff (Secret and above) WAS kept at State.
As the Faux News article states: their “report” fails to disclose what documents were accessed that were “secret”.
I’m guessing it’s one of the phone conference slips that are marked as secret until the phone conference with the foreign diplomat takes place and then are automatically not secret anymore…and are supposed to have the designation removed, but there were a few of them on her server for which the designation had not been or had yet to be removed.
Comey report, long overdure, but not unexpected given his “extremely careless” actions and words. This was obvious to the casual observer of his performance and “extremely defensive extremely irrational” explanations on his greedy book tour.
Comey’s treatment of women, namely Hillary, Lynch and Yates, exposes his underlying sexism manifested in his flawed disturbing, incompetent judgment as FBI director. Again, obvious at the time to the casual observer. Media, do better. Shed your sexist blinders.
Right, this early leak is to prime the pump of the Right-wing spin machine which will be spewing lies and setting the field of battle well before official release.