Discussion: If O'Care Executive Order Does What Trump Hopes, It Will Cost Gov't Money


The Republicans have made it clear that they want people to die.


So the steaming pile of crap that is our leader finds yet another way to sabotage the ACA, trying again to undo ANYTHING that President Obama accomplished. He is a petulant little baby, lashing out at anything and can’t handle that a black man was better than him. I pray for his demise and hope he dies in prison from some wasting long lasting painful disease. I want him to suffer for years.


Well, you know the classic words written by the great Scottish novelist Sir Walter Scott:

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to be the biggest motherfucking asshole that you could possibly believe."


Thank you Ms Sneed. The article points out the multiple negative variables. As I said elsewhere, Trump’s health plan throwouts of “would be better” and “not cost us anything” has never been true in the history of man, or of Trump.

This guy does not understand basic physics. Shit rolls downhill.


Hang them all in the post-Trump Tribunal trials.


I read somewhere that he began to wander off again before signing it and Pence had to stop him, but now I can’t find it. Anybody have a link? Or am I cracking up?


“Who cares if it costs the US government a couple hundred billion dollars, just as long as I can do more to try to erase Obama from the history books. Besides, it’s not my money.”

Trump will manage to get in the history books (won’t be pretty), and probably manage to get a few paragraphs or even an entire chapter in the psychology books.


This is my sad for today, but it is getting harder to find a clear winner.


Hey, as hard as Hair Furor tries to erase President Obama from history, he is just ensuring that President Obama will be remembered for being the last two-term POTUS before the United States declared moral and economic bankruptcy…


All Donnie Two Scoops cares about is himself. To the extent that he cares about other people at all is that he wants people to adore him and say nice things about him.

Man, everything he touches just turns to $h1t.


Jost warned, however, that the executive order’s short-term cost to the government could come with long-term chaos that could send insurers fleeing from the marketplaces, significantly shrinking the total Obamacare enrollment.

“In the long run, they hope [it] will have the effect of destroying the market altogether,” Jost said.

Destroying things benefiting Americans,the planet and the entire human race seems to be what the current occupant is best at doing.


Once you sort out the lies and hyperbole, you are left with a significant cost to the taxpayers because of a diminished pool of healthy enrollees.Second, with the destruction of Obamacare,many people, particularly those with pre-existing conditions and those whose lives depend on Medicaid will be imperiled once again.

Trump and the GOP are willing to destroy Obamacare and Medicaid and ,possibly, Medicare because they are not threatened politically, if they do so. Until they feel that doing so will cost them their cushy seats in the White House or Congress , they will keep trying until they succeed .


Trump, Paul, and everybody else in this pic look so happy to be attacking ACA, knowing full well that it’s going to harm real people in some way or another. It’s just…sickening. :angry:


no - not necessarily dead - - they just want people to be insolvent, in debt, struggling desperate to accept what ever crumbs at thrown their way - and thus available for abuse and misuse and easily taken advantage of by the wealthy.


Is this a crucial terrible step on the path to single payer?

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At what point to We the People take this President and Congress to task? The way I see it, the president is committing clear crimes, and Congress is aiding and abetting those crimes.

A case in point in context to this, is the simple Constitutional mandate set for a President: “To uphold and protect the Constitution, and to faithfully execute the laws of the land”.

As Paul Ryan once commented, “The ACA is the law of the land”. That is a fact. Unless and until it is repealed or replaced by the legislative branch (and signed into law by a president), it remains the law of the land. The president is constitutionally bound to faithfully execute and uphold that law, like it or not. If the president is acting in contravention of that law, he is acting in contravention of his mandate as president.

If he acts unilaterally to undermine or otherwise “cause a systemic law to fail”, then he is at the least committing a crime and at worst acting as a seditionist. In either case he is abdicating the responsibilities of his office and must either rectify the behavior, or step down (or be removed). There is nothing vague or uncertain about this most basic tenet of the Office of the President.

If a president isn’t faithfully upholding and executing the laws created by the legislative branch (and signed into law by a president), then we re no longer functioning as a Constitutional Republic. If Congress is unsuccessfully able to abrogate the law, then they too are bound by duty to our Constitution to uphold that law. If the Executive is working against the law of the land, how should it be handled?

By ignoring it? By abetting it?

It’s time we all took those two branches of our government to task for trying to literally break an existing law of the land without adhering to our basic Constitutional processes…


I despise this “man.” Didn’t he notice that he was not elected by the majority of the people and that millions of people came out to protest Repubs’ attempts to repeal the ACA? Someone make this shit stop.


Look at the smiling well insured Republicans as they watch the orange one chip away at health care insurance for the citizens of their own states. They are evil to the core.

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Here’s one …

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