Discussion: Idaho Rep Says Rape's 'Trauma Of The Incident' Prevents Pregnancy

Free speech really reveals the clueless.

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Try to be cogent.

And the corollary – if you liked the sex, you’ll love the child. Not.

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Would you settle for :smile:
Potato Heads Unite?

Rather a heavy handed hiint – sort of like handing out condoms to the partners of unwed mothers.

History shows us too many elected officials know nothing before they open their yaps, they just say what’s expedient to get something done, in this case laws restricting access to abortion… In fact he admitted knew nothing.

Nielsen then admitted he wasn’t sure if his information was “totally accurate or not.”

And, if she doesn’t want to have sex with him, his God says to bang her anyway, but that he should look at her body rather than her face 'cause an unwilling sexual partner is akin to Medusa. Sez biblicalgenderroles.com.

Jesus. Horrible. And that’s one we know about.