Discussion: Idaho Rep Says Rape's 'Trauma Of The Incident' Prevents Pregnancy

Well, according to him, they’re at least not at risk of getting knocked up when he climbs into their beds.


“Nielsen then admitted he wasn’t sure if his information was ‘totally accurate or not’.”

So now we have lawmakers making policy (that has real consequences on people) who admit to pulling “facts” on which the policy is based straight out of their asses.

Behind every stupid policy is a policy maker who guesses at the facts based on Loch Ness-like myths and fairy tales he watched on Fox News or “heard someone say on the radio.”

The next time this guy wants to throw something out there about women and pregnancy and rape, maybe he should pull a Costanza and do the opposite, like shut up until (at an absolute minimum) he hears a woman say the same thing.


As long as Don Cherry lives, none of us are safe.

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He has eight kids (five daughters)

“Now, I’m of the understanding that in many cases of rape it does not involve any pregnancy because of the trauma of the incident. That may be true with incest a little bit… I have explored this a lot as a father of five daughters."

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you today’s Republican Party, putting a whole new meaning into “Take Your Daughter to Work Day.”


If I were running the DNC, I would put this asshole’s picture and quote front and center on the DNC website for the entire week, and blast his “message” on social media to the entire fucking universe.


I wonder if male hormones will prevent you from feeling pain when I kick you in the balls, you fucking moron.


Rather off topic, but I’m such an old fart can still remember those almost ancient TV commercials featuring Porter and Dolly Parton advertising Breeze detergent (or maybe it was Duz. Those misty, reefer-colored memories can be a little sketchy sometimes), wherein Dolly would say that every box contained a free towel, and something about “pretty purple tulips”. It’s kind of funny, because people would look at her standing next to Waggoner in those rhinestone atrocities he would wear, thinking she was nothing but some Kentucky hillbilly bimbo, never realizing the (deserved) American icon she would eventually become.


dang you, I have to Google that ad. Yikes.

Idaho: “We’re not as stupid as Utah, Alabama, or Mississippi yet but, by gum, we’re trying as best as we fucking can!”
Look for it on a license plate near you!


I taught reproductive physiology to 1st year med students for 40+ years and I did research into the ovary, Its basic functions and ovarian cancer. I know a little bit about how pregnancy is established even tho I am a male.

He said pregnancy "doesn’t happen as often as it does with consensual sex, because of the trauma involved.”

Apparently this guy wasn’t listening when his folks gave him the “Birds 'n Bees” talk at about age 10. Or maybe he has never engaged in sex at all since he doesn’t understand how it works.
I tell ya, willful stupidity is a hot button issue for me.
I wonder where this numbnutz got his information.
I wonder if this numbskull is actually the father of those 5 girls…


It’s amazing what can be found on youtube.

His theory is wrong, his daughter did become pregnant, but didn’t tell him about the abortions to avoid hurting his feelings.

I don’t see it as a problem. An organism as complex as our society needs the availability of the “hot stove” so that as the organism navigates through life, we can occasionally touch it and remind ourselves why we do not come close. Hopefully we have a lot of little barriers like this so that we do not have to go through a Nazi regime to find out how bad it can be.

There are at least 32,000 pregnancies a year resulting from rape, according to an NIH study from 1996, the most recent study that is available.


“Now, I’m of the understanding that in many cases of rape it does not involve any pregnancy because of the trauma of the incident. That may be true with incest a little bit." … Nielsen said he has “explored this a lot” as a father of five [daughters].

Yeah that’s not creepy at all.


Where to start?

“Now, I’m of the understanding that in many cases of rape it does not involve any pregnancy because of the trauma of the incident. That may be true with incest a little bit," Nielsen told a representative from a crisis pregnancy center at a hearing for a bill that would require abortion providers to give women a list of free ultrasound providers.

Well yes, when men are raped by men, it typically does not result in a pregnancy.

Nielsen said he has “explored this a lot” as a father of five.

What the hell does this even mean?


Somehow his quote about exploring is more creepy (even) than it appears. He is actually the father of EIGHT according to his bio. But he is the father of five DAUGHTERS. So his exploration is in the context of … ugh… http://legislature.idaho.gov/house/membershipSingle.cfm?ID=44

These attacks on Greek mythology are vile ahistorical revisionism of the unintended kind. I wish he would stick to the facts.

Edit: removed after seeing similar comments down thread