Discussion: Hunter Posts Sham Video Of Him Hopping Border, Gets Called Out For Breaking Parole

Typical shit-sniffer is what we call someone like this. As soon as he’s caught facing real time in the pokey, he claims it was just a stunt. This entitled prick is full of stunts, isn’t he? Attention-seeking moron needs to do real time. Or is there a judge too stupid to fall for this explanation? Hunter is more than willing to test the courts because he thinks he’s so fucking privileged and untouchable. Time to teach this fool a lesson that his parents obviously never taught him.

This dude belongs in a clowncar rodeo. That should be the biggest job he should get in life.


Pretty hot actually. The guy they were with was lost in the woods. He eventually showed up and they locked the doors and taunted him. He finally gave up on getting in and went and laid down on one of the graves. Then some other guys showed up in a wrecked Monte Carlo and picked me up and took me to a hotel in Detroit. They were AWOL from the Navy, friends of friends. The next morning we drove to Terre Haute and got on a 4 passenger Beechcraft that stalled at several thousand feet. But that’s another story.

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Gee, I don’t know. It appears that the new measure of illegality (or barr, if you will) is whether or not you were frustrated when you kicked him in the nuts.


Lock him up. He’s about as bad as it is possible to be.

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Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I’d say that even if the GPS were wrong and he did successfully enter Mexico briefly during his demonstration, I would not consider it a parole violation.

He was trying to make a point about border security via literal demonstration. Both the topic and the activity fall squarely within my (informal) understanding of the proper duties of a congressperson. And, he was doing so in the company of LEOs.

If he’d done this with a camera crew and some buddies instead of Border Patrol agents, I would conclude otherwise. In that scenario, it seems much more plausible that he’d be flirting with an attempt to escape the jurisdiction.

Yes, I think he’s an asshat. That doesn’t mean that any bad things that come his way are justified or appropriate.

And yes, I am sure the lines are drawn and enforced much more rigidly for people of color and the poor. The fault lies in our justice system and its preference for rich white folks, not with my analysis of his intent or the scope of a representative’s duties.

He’s still an asshat. Grow some fuckin’ decorum.


A lot of alliteration!

Sounds like Kerouac.

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Trump approval drops 3 points to 2019 low after release of Mueller report: Reuters/Ipsos poll.
15 percent said they had learned something that changed their view of Trump or the Russia investigation (70% did not), and a majority of those respondents said they were now more likely to believe that “Trump or someone close to him broke the law.”

Of course, one poll can be an outlyer. 538 is still unchanged at 42% approval.


I’d like the name and badge number of the Border Patrol official who let him back in.


Here’s a better plan: Duncan and Devin go RVing with noted enthusiasts Clarence Thomas and John Boehner and they all meet up somewhere in Arizona, head-on at 75 mph.


Anyone got some old 3-wheelers they could loan out? Also, swap out Boehner for Kavanaugh, he’s much more fun to party in the sand dunes with.

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Actually he is down to 41.6 % after that poll. Lowest I have seen him on 538 since the shutdown. Obviously any polling outfit can come up with a stinker but Ipsos has a fairly good rating(B+). It also looks like the only poll so far that was taken when and after the Mueller report was issued. This is encouraging and worth keeping an eye on.

Does Duncan Hunter have a cow?


One day I’ll tell you about the night Danny Bonaduce and I, along with the backfiekd of the Arizona Cardinals, got roughed up by three of Phoenix’s finest and bounced out of a bar onto the sidewalk. Literally bounced. The two escorts escaped out the back door. All because they ran out of peel & eat shrimp.


Who cares if he vapes? That sweater vest is the real crime. And that shirt? Did his mom buy it for him?


It’s not parole. Parole is served after a conviction. Mr. Hunter is not yet a man of convictions.


He’s trying to beat out Gohmert for the title of Stupidest Congressman.


The un-asked question, were his kids taken away from him?


Pre-Trial Release in the federal parlance.

Don’t forget Cheney. So he can shoot them all in the face.