Discussion: Hunter Defends Alleged War Criminal: My Unit Probably Killed 'Hundreds Of Civilians'

Totally disagree. Military and Veterans are amongst the most vocal critics of this shit.

They know that it puts Americans in danger, threatens good order and discipline and all that. And the vast majority who served honorably and didn’t violate orders don’t look at all well on those who do that stuff.

If they didn’t care, nobody would have ever spoken up about the incidents in the first place.


Not around here, I work with three ex-marines, they all agree that war crimes is either BS or fake news made up by the media and that Trump should pardon the accused.

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I have a neighbor that’s ex-Marine. He’s OK to be around. Just don’t look at his face.

Guy is begging to be court marshalled. I say let his wish be granted.

Trump will pardon him.

OK postpone it till after we get Donald impeached and kicked out of office, assuming we ever do, or after he’s out of office if not. We have his confessions on record.

I am not military , but I have to say that is a pretty broad brush you are painting them with. I would venture to say that the war criminals are the outlier, with the majority serving with honor and ethical behavior


Ah. Explains it.

Back in the rest of the military, that stuff’s frowned on. But the Marines are a bit of a special group.

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“Killed probably hundreds of civilians, if not scores if not hundreds of
civilians, probably killed women and children, if there were any left
in the city when we invaded, so do I get judged too?”

I knew an artillery forward observer who called in our artillery strikes. He was very accurate but there were cases where we took fire from so called hostile villages or near villages and his strikes killed civilians. We didn’t judge him at the time but about 6 years ago he took a ride in his truck and put a bag over his head and inhaled helium until it killed him. His wife said she knew immediately up on coming home he was going to kill himself. Hunter should do a little self judgement, too.
@castor_troy he was a Marine.


Don’t judge all Marines by the idiocy of a few.


Where did I say that they are all war criminals? All I am saying that individual members of the military value more loyalty to members of their own group rather than justice being made to people outside at the expense of a fellow member. Cops are the same, that’s why they are all eager to cover up for their mates. And it’s not an US thing either, it’s pretty much universal in that type of bodies, that is why less hero-worshiping and more civilian control is necessary.

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Very sad and tragic. We lose more folks to suicide these days than we lose in the field.

My snark on the marines is purely Service-based (Army vet, so have lifelong loyalty), never their service.


Hey, Duncan!

Why don’t you take some of the cash you ripped off from the taxpayers and have a giant neon sign made with an arrow pointing at your head that says


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Hey, I understand the how people fall back on the Marine Corps stereotypes. Some of the stupidest people I ever met were in the Marine Corps (I’m going to get a lot of shit for that comment but it’s true). I don’t adhere to the once a Marine, always a Marine thought. When I walked out of Vietnam it was over for me. I do have to say that a couple of my best friends were in Vietnam with me.

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Er, it’s not a contest, dude.

Stay Classy, (East County), San Diego

Bill Barr interview with CBS. Rs are all fatalists, they’re all going to die, so let’s inflict maximum damage while we’re alive.

Asked if he worried about his reputation, Barr said, “Yeah, but everyone dies and I am not, you know, I don’t believe in the Homeric idea that you know, immortality comes by, you know, having odes sung about you over the centuries, you know?” He added that he didn’t regret taking the job.



“I…[k]illed probably hundreds of civilians, … probably killed women and children, … so do I get judged too?”

Yes. Judged and found wanting. Fuck this guy.