Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the actual State of the Union…
"so do I get judged too?”
P.S. IANAL, but can he still be punished?
So the theme will be "Reelect me, because you already knew I was a drunk, philandering, fraudster when you elected me last, now you ca know that I am a war criminal to. Notoriety Matters!
Or, something.
Um…Maybe someone from the armed forces should contact him and politely encourage him to speak in a less incredibly irresponsible way? Loose lips and all that? If your thing is going to be defending this guy, ad-libbing it maybe isn’t the way to go.
So let me get this straight-
A Republican congressman under indictment admits to possibly killing hundreds of Iraqi civilians and posing for photos with corpses, and says “I just don’t care”.
Yep, sounds like a Monday.
Five years I believe is the UCMJ limit to reach out and grab a former service member.
So Congressman you are admitting to committing War Crimes, is there a statute of limitations on you being held to account. Then Hung as your Nazi forbearers were.
Yeah,” said Hunter. “I think this guy was gonna die anyway.”
Same attitude on Health Care, Gun Control, 14 year olds, immigrants, add your own list. It is the way of the GOP. The only skin worth saving is their own.
Real Christian of them.
Man currently awaiting trial for committing crimes brags about committing other crimes.
He is trying to maintain the military votes in his district. Military voters care less about war crimes and more about being on their side right or wrong.
Why is a Congressman under federal indictment while running for re-election talking repeatedly about a war criminal? You’d think he’d want to avoid this topic all together or is this his way of pleading for a Pardon?
“I’m very proud of the carnage I’ve inflicted on innocent people,” he said. “And you should be, too.”
Hunter’s district, CA-50, includes a significant chunk of Camp Pendleton, which is where Gallagher was stationed at the time of his arrest.
“Defending war criminals” might be taking the concept of “constituent services” just a bit too far, though.
I had to qualify that, or else I’d collapse into a heap of gibbering, beer-stained despair.
[T]here is no statute of limitations on war crimes (as defined by Charter of the Nuremburg International Military Tribunal of 1945) or crimes against humanity (as defined by the Nuremburg International Military Tribunal and the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide). This means that a perpetrator of these crimes can be charged at any time no matter how long it has been since the act was committed.
[source: Statute of Limitations on War Crimes - Crime Museum]
That sounds more like something the ISIS guy would have said.
I know nothing about the Rep’s indictment(s) or the guy he’s defending. But I think what he says is worth discussing. If he and his artillery unit did shell Fallujah indiscriminately (or even with some level of discrimination) they probably did kill scores of women and children and innocents.
To me, that does bring up the grim truth of war, and particularly that illegal invasion and war, and the posturing of wannabe heroes and Bush on the carrier and the denial of the citizenry of responsibility or burden sharing.
We all share in responsibility, everyone who, like me, let it unfold without protest.
Sounds ready for a cabinet position…
Withdrawing from those agreements is surely on Trump’s “to-do” list.