Discussion: Hundreds Of Anti-Islam Demonstrators March In Cologne Following NYE Attacks (PHOTOS)

That was in Köln. There were 6 other German cities, and there was Salzburg, and there were incidents in Sweden as well. It is more than amazing that attacks which were very similar occurred in at least 10 separate places at about the same time, eh? Sounds like a coordinated series of attacks.

Salzburg, Freiberg, Frankfurt, Berlin, Bielefeld, Dusseldorf, others as well.

This is not just 20 in Köln, either. The reports indicated that 1000-1500 illegals from N Africa were involved. This is a riot, and it sounds like a planned series of attacks.

I know that the notion that illegals might be sexual criminals offends the very core of the liberal mindset, where all illegals are holy children of god and can do no wrong. It’s almost like reality itself is upended, eh, when an illegal is suspected of being a criminal?

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Oh, for fuck’s sake, Nick, how much crap can you spew out in a day? You’ve amply demonstrated you know nothing about linguistics but feel free to babble on about it. You are clearly just as ignorant of European history and current events, unable to name a single German politician besides Angela Merkel. Are you serious? Doesn’t even the name Wolfgang Schäuble ring a faint bell, the guy who almost single-handledly destroyed Greece and the Eurozone? But here you go again, spouting off and making even more of a fool of yourself.
Since you consider yourself such an expert on European affairs, please pay a visit to Dagens Nyheter, Sweden’s biggest newspaper (http://www.dn.se/), and tell me where they talk about Swedish women being molested by North Africans.
“Coordinated series of attacks”, right-o. Did it ever occur to you that New Year’s arrives at the same time in the same time zone? Have you ever set foot in North Africa? (I have.) And what would possess a supposed South Dakota Democrat to choose to vacation in Serbia, of all shitholes (I’ve been there too), a place crawling with fascists, war criminals, and religious and cultural supremacists, is truly beyond me.
George McGovern, God bless him, must be seriously senile to give money to a creep like you. I have dozens of relatives in South Dakota, most of them Republicans, and not a single one comes close to your brand of crazy. If I lived there and you were on the ticket I would undoubtedly have voted Republican for the first time in my life, i.e. practically half a century.
I generally make a point of it to be polite to people I disagree with but in your case I’ll make an exception. Piss off.
PS: You forgot your precious diaereses (“umlaut”) in Düsseldorf. Asshole.

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Link, please.

I gave you one that specified 18 arrestees. You give me nothing and insist that 1,500 people were involved.

Which Neo-Nazi sites are you reading these days?

You crack out of turn with this little oyster: “I know that the notion that illegals might be sexual criminals offends the very core of the liberal mindset, where all illegals are holy children of god and can do no wrong.”

Rather than accepting that your number is wildly inflated, you attack a “mindset” – that’s always useful, if you’re a drooling dolt. Try corroborating your claims before pulling your pants down in public.

And, once and for all, STOP USING A FIRESIGN REFERENCE as your screen name. You do a horrible injustice to Proctor, Bergman, Austin and Ossman. I’m sending a letter to David Ossman and Philip Proctor, the still-living half of the quartet, to request that they send you a cease and desist order on the basis of you’re being a cunt. I’m confident they will agree.

Now there’s a ruthless threat. Where’s Ruth, anyway? I’m also confident that their cease and desist order will go DIRECTLY to TPM Central. Gee, I am really quivering in fear here. Better open my 3rd eye, if I want to beat the reaper.

While you’re at it, pass this along to them:

From the Guardian: "Arnold Plickert, head of the police trade union in NRW, told the Deutsche Presse Agentur that the incidents were “of a new quality … What we’ve been able to establish is that this is an organised method.”

He said questions needed to be asked as to “how it was possible that this thousand-strong group was able to come to Cologne and meet up there”.

Article title is “Cologne inquiry into ‘coordinated’ New Year’s Eve sex attacks”. Perhaps I am not the only one wondering how 1000-1500 persons got together. I guess those cellphones they all have in the pooooeuuurr refugee status have some use, eh?

The Interior Ministry identified the 31 suspects as nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, four Syrians, five Iranians, an Iraqi, a Serb, an American and two Germans. Most of the crimes they were accused of involved theft and violence, said a ministry spokesman, Tobias Plate, but at least three acts were considered sexual assaults. - NY Times

Sounds like either Plickert is delusional, or The Guardian is making shit up.

True, there was a much larger, rowdy crowd in the streets that night, but on New Year’s Eve, that hardly surprises me. British football fans are probably worse.

It looks like the German people are starting to come to their senses.

In most cases, these refugees are simply looking for places that will provide them a welfare based economic safety net, not a country to be loyal to.

Their backgrounds and religion cause them to be basic sociopaths.

Hopefully our useless leaders will observe this and stop all immigration, legal and illegal. We have enough people here now.

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