Discussion: Huckabee Sued For Playing 'Eye Of The Tiger' At Kim Davis Rally Without Permission

Make him do community service, maybe paint some Muslims houses or STFU.


Yes oh a thousand times yes.


Mike, Mike, Mike! Even when your sleazy grift act was in the employ of the skeeviest of televangelists at age 21, they said of you,- your “whole life has been shaped by moral absolutes.” Yet you somehow forgot the Commandment, “***Thou Shalt Not Steal??!!!***”

Repent, thief, for you are doing the work of Satan! And fucking pay up!!! Pay restitution, legal fees, court costs, for Jesus!! :japanese_ogre:


I’m a girl, and by me that’s only great.

The worry is opposite, that the usual jagoffs will pay GoFundMe and the broader grifter community for this bible thumper’s wrongdoing and more cash for his indolent grifter crusade.

Thief? Really? Don’t you know God personally gave Mike Huckabee permission to use Eye of the Tiger and any other song he wants?


Moreover, he can probably come away making good coin on this.

Victoria Jackson.

What is it with these guys that they keep embarrassing themselves on this issue. Do they not ask for permission because they know they won’t get it or are they just that thievy?
Since a candidate needs something upbeat as intro, just like talk radio bump music must be, for the Uncredible Huck I’d suggest one of these tunes: Tom Waits “Step Right Up”, Warren Zevon’s “Mr. Bad Example” or even “Mr. Skin” by Spirit. I strongly suggest he seeks permission.
If he wanted to throw all caution to the winds, here’s something way apropos for his campaign, again by Tom Waits(it isn’t the official video):

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Love it. Have Used Songs Vol. I on in the car.

“There ain’t no Devil, it’s just God when he’s drunk.”

The GOP “takers” love free enterprise because they think it means free for them.

I understand Anita Bryant could use some royalty money due to her multiple bankruptcies.

Well, the song from all of sane and progressive America to the Huckster and serial-marrying TEAliban Kim is an easy one: Iris Dement’s “God May Forgive You (But I Won’t)”


’Cause God may forgive you, but I won’t / Yes, Jesus loves you, but I don’t / They don’t have to live with you and neither do I / You say that you’re born again,/ well so am I / God may forgive you, but I won’t / and I won’t even try

May they both sink into the cesspool of hate and bigotry they have created.

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You’ve just come up with a new diet aid…

Post the photo HucKim on the refrigerator door…

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