Discussion: Huckabee: Obama Favors Muslims, Fine With 'Stomping All Over Christians'

Hey, Huckabee, You do realize that Obama isn’t running for a third term? By the way, you are a racist shit-for-brains.


Mike Huckabee (R-Derpansas) said on Thursday said the Obama administration has
been giving “special rights” to Muslims while “stomping all over Christians.”

Now, wait just a minute! I thought it was atheists and secular humanists who were stomping all over Christians. Jesus, can’t these people get their scapegoats straight?


Alternate headline: Huckabee: Muslims Are Evil


Seriously? The last president was one of them. Spoke the secret code talk, filled the government up with them, made war on skeery mooslims, spent a billion, with a “b” on abstinence only education, even if he wasn’t sufficiently mean to them rhetorically.

Huckleberry’s problem here is that the Dominionist theocrats aren’t running things anymore and the effort to turn us into the Republic of Gilead has been at least temporarily stymied.


The more I hear Gov. Huckabee talk, the more it becomes obvious that some christians need a good stomping.


First Bible Spice and her brood of party crashing street fighters bilk these rubes out of half of their money and then Huckster here tries to screw them out of the other half to pay for his Weight Watchers™ tab so he can get off the deep-fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

And it all OUR fault.

i don’t know who to be disgusted with more, these Snake Oil salesmen or their prey. Christ, they BOTH whine more than a jet plane at takeoff.


I hope he runs. It’d be funny as shiite seeing half the GOP field skip Iowa.


Just another case of Obama giving special consideration to a Muslim.


Whoomp! There it is.

Huckabee is like mean version of Elmer Gantry.

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did the huckster happen to provide any examples of this horrific christian stomping… gosh, i guess i’ve missed the stories about the burned churches, christians chased from their communities, their children slaughtered… well, actually those things are happening, but it’s primarily in africa… oh, now i get it… subtly making a connection.

it’s amazing how this huckster continues to be viewed with some degree of respect; although i bet he’s losing his media fans with these daily outbursts of idiocy.


Remember when Sarah Palin was drunk on power when she realized she could whip a crowd into a frenzy of hatred to the point where McCain had to step in and calm them down?

Huckabee is going all in. This is going to be a long election.



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Mike Huckabee: Professional Victim.


Telling me I can’t tell everyone else what to do and how to live their lives = Oppressing me.

Telling me I can no longer enjoy privileges and advantages over everyone else = Oppressing me.

Telling me I can’t oppress others who won’t do as I say, obey me without question and kowtow to my demands = Oppressing me.

Telling me that the Constitution means I cannot write my Christian beliefs into laws everyone else must follow = Oppressing me.

Telling me that I can’t treat people I think I’m superior to like sub-humans and that I actually have to treat them as equals = Oppressing me.

The list goes on and on and on…bigots be bigottin’…


His recent media blitz and making inflammatory remarks is a marketing ploy to sell his book, the one with the silly name.

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This is only the latest example of the Republican Party’s Nazi-like demonization of Muslims. It’s interesting to contrast this vile propaganda with the Israeli President’s recent address to the United Nations:

Rivlin in U.N. address stands up for Islam

January 28, 2015 4:34pm
NEW YORK (JTA) — Israeli President Reuven Rivlin defended Islam in a U.N. address and said that “neither the West, nor the Christians nor the Jews are at war with Islam.”
Rivlin made his remarks Wednesday at a General Assembly ceremony for International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which was the day before.
“Right now, Islam encompasses, under its enormous wings, victims of persecution and of terrorism, while at the same time it also serves as the banner of the attackers,” he said.
Rivlin noted that his father, Yosef Yoel, who created the first Hebrew translation of the Koran, believed “in the importance of dialogue and the cultural significance of the Koran for all the children of Abraham.”


Mr. Huckabee, examples, please. Real ones – none of those “war on Christmas/Easter” spiels. Thank you.


Why is this %$^&#%^ excuse for an ordained minister getting any press?

But all of his books tend to have silly names (and nonsense between the covers).