Discussion: Huckabee: If Brown Was 'Something Other Than A Thug' He'd Be Alive

NewsMax TV? I just may have to watch some of that and crack a bottle of single malt.

Please Huck we have already heard from all the ignorant people from Arlansas this year so please go back in your Fox Cave and we will call you out the next time Sarah want somebody to clap for her !!!

Carol Sue Shields would still be alive today if Huckabee hadn’t pardoned Wayne DuMond!

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This. Exactly.

I am still waiting to hear why he felt his life was in danger when he was standing 30 feet away from an unarmed man and he was holding a loaded gun that he was well-trained to use. My guess is that in 99.9% of those cases the guy with the gun wins (the 0.1% is Joel Grey’s character in Remo Williams).

Says the thug with a bible.


And Tamir Rice? Would he still be alive?


Didn’t he pardon someone who was working at the guv’s mansion who went on to kill someone?


I now realize that Ferguson will be with us daily until the lowliest pundits voice is heard.

It’s no longer about whether justice has been served, it’s become the badge that every whackobird talking head must wear on their lapel.


Fuckabee would be president if he were not a racist, homophobe.

Or in n00bish.

I didn’t realize that the Hucksterbee was riding along with Darren Wilson! That explains so very, very much. I am growing to hate this man almost as much as I despise Rick Santorum. The biggest difference I can see between the two of them is that Huckabee does not wear sweater vests. Screw the both of these pigs, neither one will ever sit in the Oval Office. Go back to separating stupid people from their money, you bigoted piece of crap.


And you might be a President if you were something other than a a old judgmental pointy headed dolt trotting out the same nonsense the rest of the parrots are chanting.

That is right, Mike, tell me how much Jesus is about love, and how the Bible trumps federal law, and that I’m a wicked sinner condemned to hell because I don’t believe in your idea of god. Yet you justify a jury-free, on the spot death penalty because this kid was simply intimidating to a cop who apparently was in over his head and didn’t know how to control the situation.

Tell me again about Jesus’ message of love and how dedicated you are to the idea.

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Captain Crunch: Huckabee Would Be President If He Was ‘Something Other Than A Lying, Christ-Huckstering Evangelical and/or A Pompous, Bigoted, Self-Righteous Asshole’

What amazes me is how this case has brought out the latent racist in so many people…


Unfortunately you are correct. I am just “amused” at how in line these folks get with their talking points. “Thug” is their new meme for blacks rather than N_ _ _e r

No he would never be “a” President

That was to be my observation as well–that:

Well hell Mike! If you were there?
It coulda’ saved everyone a whole lotta’ trouble had you spoken up sooner!


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You’d think Mr. Huckabee possessed no thought to the redemption guaranteed every man by his and my faith.

Mr. Brown is destined, by Mr. Huckabee’s thought here, to always be the same man, that he not find Jesus or another leader, and seek forgiveness. Mr. Brown, of course, does not have that option, yet still Mr. Huckabee will deny him the generosity.

Even in death Mr. Brown is refused succor, by the Reverend Michael Huckabee.

This is a deeply unChristian man.


Do a search for the term “noob”

It fits how they all sprout up at once with the same talking points using the same terms. Some sort of primitive collective intelligence similar to a school of fish that move and turn in synch with one another.

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