Discussion: Hoyer Defends Tlaib, Slams GOP For Attacking Her: 'They Owe Her An Apology'

No, no, no. That’s John Miller, farmer extraordinaire. But John’s met Trump, and he knows that Trump is a real classy guy. The Best.


I agree that she wasn’t trying to say that she felt calmed by the Holocaust. But she did say that her ancestors provided a haven for Jews persecuted by the Holocaust. I hope that’s true and she can provide specifics. But as a general matter, that is just untrue. Although there were some notable individual exceptions, the Arab leadership - much of which had been openly pro-Nazi - fought to prevent Jews from living in the so-called British Mandate and rioted to keep Holocaust survivors from settling there on land that the Jewish agency had title to and been purchasing for at least fifty years. That armed hostility was easily transformed into an Arab army going to war against the Jews, trying to push them into the sea and preventing them from creating the country that the UN had authorized from a tiny slip of land in the Mandate.

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Only very brief comments and from a very few… where is Nancy.

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I’m no expert on any of that history, but I’ve picked up some very broad-brush gleanings and it’s my understanding that it was a mixed bag of reactions by Arabs from the early days of Zionism, late nineteenth century, with Jews first starting to settle in the region, until tensions heightened in the war years and the creation of the state of Israel. It’s one thing if a few families show up over the years and settle in, another if there’s this huge influx of displaced people. Again, I’m a little fuzzy so don’t quote me, but Tlaib’s people might well have been charitable and willing to give the new situation a chance. I certainly have no reason to think it was impossible.

Not in her state.

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What she is saying is that it’s not that these people invaded our land for no reason whatsoever – it’s that they were fleeing for their lives.

Doesn’t imply that the invasion was welcomed but recognizes that Jews came to Israel in search of safety.

Yes, if she has specifics she ought to tell us what they are so we can celebrate her family for their courage and their humanity. As to Jews in the land, they had always been there— literally for thousands of years. In recent times, it had been a part of the Ottoman Empire, as had vast stretches of the Middle East - the Levant. There was no such thing as Palestinian Arabs, but there were both Arabs and Jews who lived there. The Ottomans picked the wrong side in WW I, lost their Empire and the region was split up into British and French mandates. Any assumption that somehow it was Arab territory and the Jews were their guests, living there at their sufferance and that they had any right to object to additional Jews moving there, is historically inaccurate. When the UN split up the British Mandate, it divided the Mandate into two states, a very large Trans Jordan and a tiny Israel. There was never any idea that there would be a third country called Palestine, but violence among the Jordanian Arabs caused the breakup of Jordan.


But they’re so good with money, you know. It’s like, genetic or something. What you want are the little short guys wearing the yarmulkes all day counting your money, and definitely not, you know, the blah guys.

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Mmmmm… seems a bit tepid to me. I mean, for Steny, it’s absolutely en fuego, because, well, Steny.

It seems like it was less than a month ago when Steny let fly with another of his greatest hits

(And that was just in the first 25 posts in that thread of 229. Man, this place is just crawling with trolls, n’est-ce pas?)

But I digress.

Anyway, yeah, Steny. I confess I think we could go something just a wee tad stronger than “out of context” and “must stop”. Where are my pearls?


White racism. How many Muslims in Congress? How many have been attacked? And by old white men. For shame.

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Well said.

These Trump-ets are the same sort of evil actors in different clown costumes, at different places in the political strata, who were screaming the other day (just yesterday) in their not clever neo-Nazi way that the holocaust never happened, but oh if it did they (Hitler and his lesser sub-demons) should have taken more: Jews, Catholics, trade-unionists, neighbors having a bad hair day and not looking Aryan enough (that in itself is confusing from a physical anthropology standpoint).

Hatred piled upon venom piled upon more hatred. Toxic.

It is an incredible world that the orange beast has spawned and unleashed.

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That certainly accords with what little I know. And what I know militates against any sense that one side had all the virtue and another was entirely in the wrong. What we do know is it’s a sad, complicated, and difficult situation. : ( It’s going to take people with more intellect and character than Jared Kushner to resolve it, if anyone can.

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you can thank pelosi and chuckles for this.
they failed to support AOC…they failed to support Omar…actually joining in and forcing a resolution to condemn her…only partially retracted do to fallout…and now repiglicons knowing their strategy of attacking women and women of color has the blessing of democrats leadership…they try again against Tlaib.

not until alt-right pelosi and chuckles are removed from leadership…will non corporate women and women of color have a voice in the democratic party.

now is the time to establish a third party…since we are also seeing progressives attacked from leadership…secret meetings…media lies…etc…all in an effort to put the right wing racist joe biden in power.

well…PROGRESSIVES will never vote for “let me invade your space”…uncle joe…the day biden should ever get the nomination is the day tRump wins reelection.

blacks…women… other minorities and progressives will stay home.

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blacks…women… other minorities and progressives will stay home.

I doubt anyone is staying home in 2020. In 2010 yes, and with good reason, but Trump must go. That is priority one.

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While Republicans ramp up their fake attacks (Yes they are fake attacks, it has nothing to do with Tlaib’s “wording”) against Tlaib Donald hosted Viktor Orbán Hungary’s leader and real anti-Semite. That should tell folks all they need to know about attacks on Tlaib. Again, she could have William Fucking Shakespeare as her wordsmith and these rightwingers would find something to complain about.


A tiny slip of land sounds insignificant until its your land that’s being taken, land that your family had owned for many hundreds of years, olive groves that you family had tended and lived off for those many centuries being bulldozed to make room for foreigners. Its a complex issue and some wounds are still open. We’re still fighting a civil war that was 150 years ago, this happened half that time ago. Tlaib was sharing a point of view that is very rarely, if ever heard here.


Good for Pelosi and Hoyer.

Has Schumer said anything?

Perhaps we would be better served if the GOP would marshall its attacks against some of their supporters some of whom deny that the Holocaust ever happened.

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Certainly would be but they don’t seem awfully fussy about their supporters these days.