Discussion: How The GOP's SOTU Response Exposed Their Weakness

Nice try. You must not have paid attention to President Obama’s speeches the past several years.

Also, when Obama was on the ballot, Democrats gained seats in the Senate and the House. The failure of Congressional Democrats to take the lead from him is well-documented and dates back to the 2010 election.
As someone else here said, the Republicans have the majority – for now. What are they going to do with it?


The GOP may not set the agenda, but they control the agenda, and that’s all that matters…

Not if you have to defend what you can’t do just two years from now.

Conservatives have boxed themselves in with the national electorate. They can’t win the White House no matter which side of their party is nominated. There just aren’t enough voters in this country who identify with these clowns and white collar criminals.

They failed us on 911, by invading Iraq, outsourcing our economy and destroying the world banking system in September of 2008. And they have proven they can’t stand minorities, women and people who make less than $30,000 a year which is becoming the overwhelming majority at this point.

Introducing underemployment to the middle class will be their ultimate Waterloo. There was no reason to let Wall Street fix the markets or give the filthy rich that second big tax break…even W knew it.


Palin comes to mind. I’ll give her that. She wows her old white male crowds.

Hey, Joni … I grew up in a wealthy northern suburb of Chicago and mom sent me to school on rainy days with Saks Fifth Avenue bags tied to my feet. But I wasn’t embarrassed … all of my friends had Saks Fifth Avenue bags, too!


Oh goodie! Now every property owner can pay even more property taxes, no matter what is done with the land! Which of course wouldn’t bother the ultra wealthy who could then just finish buying up the rest of the land from all those poor suckers (like homesteaders) who can’t afford more property taxes. How forward looking! Yet another way to soak the poor and force dependency on them, and enrich the rich.

American Dream, my foot!

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It’s a shame that even growing up with a certain amount of hardship, she wouldn’t now have more compassion for people who are experiencing it and be on the right side, that is correct side of the argument for lifting up people. It’s been demonstrated for decades how useful government can be in doing just that. It certainly won’t be done in the private Koch sector.


The Democrats have a very good chance of taking back the Senate in 2016 because just 10 Democratic seats are up for re-election while 24 repub seats are up. The House will stay red but only because of gerrymandering and a certain amount of voter suppression, but so far the likely R candidates for the presidency are soulless machines beholden to to the Kochs and the rest of the 1%. As to the R agenda, they want to give the impression they are united as a party on whatever it is they want to do, but that’s not the case. There will be right wing obstruction of moderate proposals, and finally the president has his Mont Blanc pen when all else fails.


Plus. she looked and sounded like a jibber-jabbering freak.

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OK, the bovine or other manure she alludes that a (bread) bag was protecting her ‘shoes’ from is a fantasy.

There are no bread bags capable of holding fast to friction, mucking around a stall or pen, sorry and why no one has bothered to ‘test drive’ her whole cloth fabrication I suppose will be up to SNL or Maher.

perhaps she had industrial PVC bags, used for transport of large volumes of content but getting a bread bag to do what she claims, from Raley’s or Kroger’s or Wal-Mart to hold up has to be a complete lie.

Unless of course, her family bought the bags in bulk so they could change them often.

Any (EVERY) farm worth it’s salt has requisite rubber boots along with shovels and wooden/tarp dams to change the water flow during irrigation.

Who buys this crap?

I think she provided a flashback to the Sarah Palin debate with J.Biden. She was in over her head and had to try to speak about the few GOP buzzword topics she knows.

Like ms. teen South Carolina in 2007

That’s pretty good.

Also worth pointing out that they used those two months to pass Health Care Reform. So they did do something…

Joni Ernst Wore Plastic Bags Over Her Shoes Because She Grew Up Under GOP Presidents

Senator Ernst, born in 1970, today is 44.

But growing up, she lived the vast majority of her life under Republican presidents, including Ronald Reagan, who raised taxes eleven times in seven of his eight years as president.

Sen. Ernst was born during the Nixon administration, started school under the Ford administration, had four years under the Carter administration, and graduated high school under the Reagan administration.

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That isn’t the reason, money and power are, or vice versa, if it matters.
Boener and the supposed leaders like McConnell shant stick their necks out (turtle joke-haha) and risk being booted off of the money train. Especially when these gutless dogs can have women do their bidding. I don’t blame these ladies but then again, I do. They are smart enough I would think to know that they are being tossed to the wolves but dive in anyways. Boener and crew sit back and enjoy the win/win. If Lady X does well, they benefit, if not, they turn tail. Win/Win.

It has more to do with the quality of the words and their arrangement than the opinion they convey, The “sentence” should be two sentences. Missing or misplaced commas do not prevent this from being a run on sentence.
Care about this kind of small point in copy is what separates a pile of casual words into a solid, informative lead that draws you in and makes you want to consume the story which is to follow.
I applaud TPM’s wish to be more than a blog, and to graduate to a source of harder news and information. In order for that to happen, mistakes like this are going to have to be caught BEFORE someone reads them on the front page of the site.
Perhaps part of this stems from the fact that I did not speak English growing up, As my third language, I tend to be a bit more careful about the small technical points that “Native speakers” sometimes tend to mash together.
I also grew up and learned something of journalism before “Newspapers” and other forms of “mass media” in this sad little Third World Nation were (and are) being written on a grade school; level.
Excuse me for expecting better from people whom I thought could do better.

Yeah…Michigan and Massachusetts (two of my home states). Not a chance.

Bypassing midwestern refineries to supply the Southern ones.

It is your right and free thing to care about what you want. Unfortunately, the sad truth is, that you are pissing in the wind here.
Do as you like but my advice is, just roll with it lest it keeps you angry to no avail.
Just an FYI.

I’d be interested to know how you acquire this information about the Culver family’s farm subsidies. I don’t think Joni’s family was too poor because you would need a lot of land in order to get that much in subsidies.
At any rate, I think Joni is a first class liar about growing up on a farm. I notice she had a brother and my hunch is she was not the one plowing. I also think she left out an important detail about those bread sacks. They were worn inside your boots, not on the outside of your shoes. It was hard to get the boots off without the bread sacks. Most farm kids had 4 buckle overshoes (boys) or galoshes (girls) that had a sort of fabric inside that made the boots hard to get off without the bread sacks on the shoes BEFORE you put the boots on.
Poor Joni had it so hard. I grew up on a farm and did all kinds of farm work too including helping with hog castration, driving tractor to pick up bales, hoeing beans and corn, shocking grain and any number of farm chores in addition to doing all the housework including laundry & ironing in summer and cooking all the meals in the evening because my mother had to work outside the home. I also detasseled corn for 5 years to make the money to buy my school clothes.
Joni acts like she is the only child in the country who had to work.
I can tell you right now Joni’s brother & father did the work she claims she did while she sat in the house doing not much. Lay you odds it’s all a lie.

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