They could saved all future speakers a lot of trouble by eliminating debt ceiling altogether. Or just making it $500T or higher. It’s a stupid idea to require authorization to raise the debt ceiling on money that has already been spent. If they have to keep it, they could also automatically authorize an increase when they pass the budget.
From your lips to $deity’s ears…
I think Boehner did this as a final service to party, saving them from themselves in November 2016.
I am going to write a taunting letter to my rep Dave Bratt
I agree that this might have been partly to save party – establishment Republicans and their backers are becoming increasingly alarmed with the anti-government extremist wing, and the Chamber of Commerce is said to be considering primarying some of them next year.
It was all fun and games until the Chamber realized the monster was turning on the master. They haven’t been able to pass anything they’ve wanted. I hope they come out full force against the cretins and spend some conservative money undoing the damage they helped create.
Or a case of “Nuh uh, we didn’t say we would/wouldn’t do that!”.
Agree, and reports indicate that the priorities for the Chamber when it spent $70 -80 million on candidates last year were immigration reform, the highway bill, and reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank.
It’s striking to some, but those three issues once held broad bipartisan support, before the wingnuts demonized them with:
immigration reform = amnesty
highway bill = Democrat payback for union thugs, and wasteful spending on liberal bike lanes and other blue-helmet UN priorities
Export-Import Bank = crony capitalism
By the way, a vote on reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank might be on today’s docket. Hopefully, the fever appears to be breaking.
This is good for the country. However, this means that John Boehner is going to leave Jake Ryan with a huge hot potato. John really knows how to screw things up. He can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like no one else.
“Zippity doo dah …”
…wishes and buts were candy and nuts.
We need Howard Dean’s 50 state strategy back. You cannot win a seat, even if the Republican self-destructs, if you don’t field a candidate. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is useless, her only interest is rigging the Presidential election for Clinton, and not one damn thing more.