Discussion: How Far Does The Supreme Court's Birth Control Ruling Go?

Discussion for article #224523

The stunning stupidity of the 5 radicals on the court is truly breathtaking. But a continued march to proclaim business owners have more rights than actual people.


Corporations have no religious rights under the 1st Amendment. But then again, it’s the same crazy shits that determined that corporations have political speech rights.


Not according to the five radicals currently polluting the SCOTUS.


This article leaves out an important aspect of this asinine decision. The closely held company must also have been known to be a very religious organization. For instance, I would think this would apply to Chick Fil-A but not Dell.


Disastrous ruling.

Aside from the clear human cost this will impose on female employees of companies like Hobby Lobby, I have to wonder: what will be the cost of shepherding each and every thing that a “closely held corporation” now believes it has a religious right to enforce on its employees through the federal legal system?


Known by whom? According to what standard?


So what conservatives have been saying all day in the media about this ruling being so limited in scope was another WMD lie by the GOP?

Why am I not surprised. It’s bad enough that Republicans leveled another major round in their War on Women in this court with ruling. Now they lied about it, too,…and got caught so fast doing it?

Now millions of women could lose affordable birth control healthcare benefits that families have relied on for decades? That’s a declaration of war if I ever saw one. Why don’t Republicans just give Hillary the White House?

Alito and the Boys are so out of touch with middle class America that they had no idea that family planning is at the center of every middle class home’s budget?

You don’t have kids till you can afford them. But you do want to be economically secure at some point so you can. This SCourt just busted the budget of two income families and has taken away the hopes and dreams of many hardworking Americas to have a family.

It’s like Alito just aborted millions of Republican voters. So be it.


This is a nauseatingly depressing day for people not trying to live in the 1840’s again…
Of course, it warms the fetid cesspools that are the souls of the Cons and Baggers and assorted regressive Rightie RepubliKKKlans.


Someone needs to ask these Corporate-owned Theocratic SCOTUS GOP-Mullahs why Hobby Lobby had no problem paying for this coverage before the ACA was enacted?
I know the answer, but would like it asked.


Soooooooooo’____ there are three levels of medicine, according to these five GOP Mullahs:

  1. Immunizations: essential to public health
  2. Doctor’s visits: socialized communism
  3. Abortions: not actually relating to the medical field.

Small government at work!
As someone much smarter than I said, government just small enough to fit in the vagina.


bush appointed Alito and Roberts to SCOTUS knowing they would carry out the republican conservative agenda and would overlook legal theory. This is the bush legacy and in my opinion it overshadows the disastrous Iraq invasion.


OUR right to religion trumps your right to no religion. Our right to carry weapons capable of killing dozens of people at a time trumps your right to live. Our right to make obscene amount of money, well that just trumps the shit out of your right to breath clean air, eat non-chimeric food, drink water that is pure, live on land that doesn’t fart toxic fracking chemicals into the environment, not pay for wars that suck up all of the money that could have been used for jobs and infrastructure and caring for the less fortunate.
In fact, our rights trump the f*ck out of everything about you!

Thank you kindly for your attention,
Koch Bros and the Oligarchs that f*ck you up every day of your life.
Carry on…


At some point in their careers, each one of these five Rightie corporate-owned theocratic pricks wrote some screed about judicial activism and how it must be curbed.


Oh BS. The $15-$50/month cost of birth control pills is hardly busting any middle-class family’s budget, nor is it taking away their “hopes and dreams”. Jesus, get a grip.

Yes, this decision is horrible, mostly because it opens up a bigger can of worms. But the reality for most households is that they’ll shrug, say it sucks, and go pay the $30 a month without a second thought. This is a non-starter for 80% of the voting public.

Can’t wait til’ some Jehova’s Witness owned corporations take this to the next level.
You’re up boys, hit that sumbitch’ out of the park!


BTW: I find it remarkable that on the same day ISIS declares an Islamic caliphate in Iraq, the corporate TEAlibangelical-controlled SCOTUS declares a Christian caliphate in the U.S.


SCOTUS has achieved what Lee Atwater and his disciple Karl Rove have failed to do – destroy the Democratic Party.

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The decision is based on the lie that Plan-B, ella, and IUDs cause abortions. They do not. Even the National Catholic Reporter says:

The reality is that there is overwhelming scientific evidence that the IUD and Plan B work only as contraceptives. Since Ella is new to the market, it has not been studied as extensively. But as of now, there is no scientific proof that Ella acts as an abortifacient, either. [The manufacturer of ella says that it does not cause abortion.]

There is only one drug approved to induce abortion. It is called RU-486 (mifepristone) and is not on the FDA’s list of approved contraception. It is available only by prescription and no employer is forced to pay for it as part of an employee health plan.


The Supreme Court says you are wrong. Not that I agree with the Supreme Court mind you, but as long as the Radical Republicans are in charge people don’t count.

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