Discussion: How Conservatives Are Pushing Liberals Out Of Christianity

3+ hours of Left Turns! HORRORS!

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Of course ISIS is trying to exterminate other religious, but have you looked at facebook lately. There are lots and lots of proud Christian Americans who are calling for the deportation of all Muslims, some are calling for worse.

Yes, it does. Religion has caused a great deal of harm to the human race…and done it very little good.

Here’s the thing: You can’t teach a man something he already knows and chooses to ignore for his own personal gain. Huckabee and Robertson both went to seminary school, they know full well the real teachings of Christ. They’re just liars who’ve chosen to make money off twisting the word of Christ and manipulating the faithful.


I think it’s well past time that we continue to call these nasty, selfish people Christian. They read the Old Testament (not Christian) and ignore the New Testament. They have given their religion a very bad name and truly spoiled it for all the mainline, progressive-minded denominations. Is it any wonder that the agnostic and atheistic populations are on the rise? Thinking folk have nothing but contempt for them, because they make no effort to follow the universal golden rule. And fie on the politicians and media types who suck up to them. I cannot abide my Prime Minister, but thankfully neither he nor any of his predecessors felt the need to say “God Bless Canada” at the end of every speech. Nor does our paper money have any mention of anyone’s “god”. If it were up to me, I would take the word “god” out of our national anthem too…ah well, give it time!

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It seems to me that the effect, if not the purpose, of the “Bible Innerency” doctrine is to give every word and phrase anywhere in The Bible the same dignity and importance as the Gospels. “Bible Inerrency” functions as a shield qgainst the Gospels and the issues the Gospels raise and, despite the Jesus rhetoric, as a shield against Christ himself.


I doubt much that very many of them have ever read either the Old or New Testament, beyond a few verses covered in church where they scribbled some indecipherable notes in the margins - never to be read again.

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Jesus Christ — Too Liberal! Too out of touch! Wrong for America!

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Nope. Still sticking with the UNC “F” Lot.

Well, okay, there are no Stairmasters there, so one could argue that it can’t really be Hell.

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john, I’m an atheist myself, but even when you talk about the subset of Christians which are American Christians, there is too much diversity to treat them as a coherent group. In the Venn diagram of Christian belief, many of the circles barely touch each other.

I’ve found it is just about impossible to make any statement about Christianity where a significant fraction of Christians won’t reply: “See, you don’t even know what you are are talking about. You are so ignorant of what Christianity is!” When you make a point and try to apply it to all Christians, it is easy for people to dismiss your thoughts without further consideration.

I was raised in a Catholic household where weekly mass and holy days of obligation were never missed except for communicable illness worse than a cold. When discussing some point of religion with one of my (very Catholic) brothers, he denied that anyone except the fringe believes in a 6000 year old earth, or that they believe Jonah really was in the stomach of a whale for three days. He simply didn’t believe me when I said that tens of millions of US Christians say they believe exactly that. Just looking it up now:

A 2012 Gallup survey reports that 46% of Americans believe in the creationist view that God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years, a statistic which has remained essentially the same since 1982; for those with a postgraduate education, only 25% believe in the creationist viewpoint.

That my very Catholic brother thinks that such beliefs are fringe shows how easy it is to marginalize other Christian groups. If you make a blanket statement about Christians you end up with zero credibility with them because some aspect of what you said doesn’t apply to their particular subgroup.

Better check your reasoning. You may not have encountered them, but there are lots of liberals who are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc.


I don’t think Christ would have given up on them. Neither should we.


Oh, Hell exists all right—it’s called the Republican Party, and it’s populated by people who deserve to be in Hell for all eternity.


Well, that’s a remarkably stupid and factually false statement for you to make.


Still you have to find it impressive that a full quarter of people who make it through graduate school continue to believe humans were created less than 10,000 years ago.


Jesus also taught tolerance of people who didn’t believe as he did- that was what the parable of the Good Samaritan was all about. Samaritans weren’t Jews. They were monotheistic and followed Mosaic law (like Muslims do), but they weren’t Jews.


Sounds like the kind of thing you might hear on Fox News.

I’ll reach all the way back to the last decade—the cold-blooded murder of Dr. George Tiller by a self-proclaimed “Christian.”
Or the Bombing of the Atlanta Olympics by Eric Rudolph—another self-described “Christian.”

And if we go all the way back to the 1960s, we have assorted murders (Shcwerner, Chaney & Goodman et al.) and church bombings and public beatings and various lynchings by self-described “Christians” in the South.

I could go on—and on and on and on and on—but even you should be able to see what’s happening NOW, right here in America, and that the right-wing “Christians” are anything but.
But you’ll only see it if you have that recto-cranial inversion seen to by a medical professional.


So your opinion is damned that he did and damned if he didn’t regarding Obama’s presence at the National Prayer Breakfast? Where is the news that conservatives claim fealty to their one true god and every one else be damned — liberals, this President, and billions of others who practice a religion different from them, even among Christians. Beyond the first amendment and a microphone at Fox, Eric Erickson has no other credibility to comment on President Obama’s faith, or speak to us as a religious scholar. He is a right-wing talking head whose opinions have zero redeeming social value. But Bravo to TPM for again giving voice to the insanity on the right.

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I consider myself an Agnostic and I don’t think that’s true.

A “Real Liberal” is a person who thinks and supports the idea that government should be a buffer and a counter protecting poor and “not rich” people from the self-interest of the wealthy and powerful. It has nothing to do with religious beliefs.

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