Discussion: How Conservatives Are Pushing Liberals Out Of Christianity

And there you go again, deliberately alienating natural allies, the liberal religious. There is nothing so arrogant as a self-righteous fundy, except for a self-righteous fundy atheist.

I believe that Obama is a closet atheist. He is neither Christian nor Muslim, but he understands that openly espousing atheism is untenable as a politician, so he does what he has to do to humor both groups.

It wasn’t much of an observation and it certainly wasn’t “interesting”. It was a declarative statement with that Bill Maher arrogance about it. Basically called me an asshole because I’m a believer.

Hell, there’s probably very little mind in Darrell Waltrip’s head, so I wouldn’t worry about it.

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To pretend to “possess Christ” or to “possess truth” should be considered blasphemous, if Erickson was a true believer instead of a grifter, he would know that he can’t own God…

It certainly comes as no surprise that evangelical Christians would so badly interpret the scripture. Theologians have long understood the phrase “I am the way” to be much more about how Christ lived and about genuine contrition for its own sake, as opposed to for the purpose of securing salvation. They seem so enthralled with being ‘on the right side’, that they see no contradiction in their judgement of those born into other faiths as hell bound. Not very Christian if you ask me…


You better watch out, you’d better not cry!

“Christian self-righteousness, about which that faith’s founder repeatedly warned his disciples, is a grotesque if evergreen heresy.”


A blogger by the name of Roger Ailes (in his own words, “not to be confused with the fat Fox fuck”) once referred to Donahue as “Friar Fuck.” I laughed until my sides hurt when I read that. Genius wordplay.

The kind of “Christians” quoted in this article give Christianity a bad name.

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Thanks for the Humility, Mr. President. That is a lost virtue.


How convenient for Darrell Waltrip and his ilk. According to his eschatology he could kill nonbelievers who would automatically go straight to Hell, while his mere faith guarantees that he will be accepted into Heaven regardless of any secular earthly punishment. How is that any different from what al-Qaeda tells their gullible minions?


An excellent description of the household I grew up in.

I read the piece and my immediate thought was, this is good. Anything that leads people to question their beliefs in the supernatural is a good thing, and if the hard-core GOP decides they want to have the exclusive ownership of that nonsense, well ok then. To my fellow liberals, just by excellent to each other and jettison the rest of the baggage.

Yes, I never labelled my few sentences as an “analysis”. It does however make sense to me as an insight about why simplistic versions of religion have great appeal for insecure and vindictive people. As exemplary a theist as you might be, at least recognize that organized religions have a deleterious effect on a great many people.

I guess I should probably thank these ignorant bigots for forcing the scales to fall from my eyes and allowing me to see the truth of atheism.

I had the misfortune to be raised with relatives who exemplified Jesus’ teachings and committed themselves to bettering the third-world poor through education. They founded and grew two schools in Latin America, were registered Conscientious Objectors during WWII, and were incredibly well-read Liberals whose breadth of knowledge ranged from the Classics to the Bible to Bonhoeffer and Buber.

This was a difficult milieu from which to break, given the level of service to humanity which it represented; the nobility of its cause; and yes, the “holiness” of its purpose. I have to thank conservative “christianity” for giving me the ability to sever myself from this tradition and embrace rationality; though the core of its principal still remains.

Even as a child, I found the Biblical myths to be just that, ridiculous and unrealistic myths; on a par with the Grimm Brothers. Nor was I a fan of the crowd conformity of hymns to whose ideas you implicitly assent by singing. (Nor could I join in the mass chants of '60s anti-war marches: I refuse to allow others to do my speaking for me.)

So when the bastards of the “moral” right began braying their self-righteous screeds during the eighties, it drove an intellectual wedge between me and the tender christianity that I respected but couldn’t believe, since they were asserting an adherence to a “god” that both assumed to exist. Finally, after another decade or so of disgust with the “religious” primarily driven by the self-righteous right wing, I’d had enough to declare my independence from the whole fantasy. The epiphany was amazing.

Now, the meaninglessness of words like “holy,” “sacred,” “soul,” and any number of other silly concepts bounce off my consciousness with all the impact of “unicorn,” “elf,” “fairy,” and “Zeus.”

For this, I thank the religious conservatives. But for these ignorant, religious bigots, I might still be simpering along in some mild form of religious belief.

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Sorry, but hell is a place. In the summer it is Redding, California. Where it removes to for the other seasons, I don’t know, but I can attest to the absolute fact that in the summer, Redding, California is hell.

Well, let us not forget the murderous sanctions on Iraq during Clinton’s Presidency, the murderous invasion of Iraq during thr Presidency of Baby Bush, the insane droning of Obama’s Presidency, Gitmo, Abu Ghraib, the torturing by our government, etc., etc., etc. No, we don’t have to go back at all. It’s a happening thing.

But let us go back for a minute to the fifties when the CIA deposed a democratically elected leader in Iran and put a dictator on a throne, there. That, coupled with the US’ backing of the despotic monarchy Standard Oil created in Saudi Arabia were the seeds that have grown to be ISIS. We could have stopped watering and fertilizing those seeds all along but we haven’t. ISIS is truly the monster to our Dr. Frankenstein.

I guess it just seems like Erikson and his ilk possess Jesus in the sense that they have thoroughly co-opted Jesus.

That is Paulism. That was his schtick.

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