Discussion: How Breitbart Went From 'Trump's Personal Pravda' To Running His Campaign

Well played.

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I heard that Pam Geller is next in line for Trump campaign manager. I read it on the interwebs’!!! Sounds correct…Some people say…

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Kinda diggin’ this:

#From today’s WaPo “Plum Line”:

“One other explanation for Trump’s latest moves comes courtesy of CNN’s Brian Stelter, who suggested this morning that Trump may be positioning himself to launch a new media enterprise after a November loss. Bannon and former Fox exec Roger Ailes (who is also advising Trump), Stelter noted, would be just the team for Trump to do that. If so, perhaps Trump is very consciously sticking to his strategy of fusing white nationalism with rousing WWE style political entertainment, and very consciously avoiding broader demographic outreach that might dilute this approach’s appeal to his core constituencies, in order to split off a chunk of the GOP and keep it for himself later as a following and national audience. As I said, my money is on the Trump-is-delusional explanation, and the reporting appears to confirm it. But this alternate rationale does make some sense, too, and bears watching.”


Breitbart is one of the biggest hives of scum on the internet. They’re home to the alt-right movement of millennial racists who call everybody they disagree with a SJW. It’s no surprise Trump wants to hire the head for his campaign.

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As if it was needed Trump has once again illustrated his contempt for the American electoral system as well as the people of this country. Employing anyone from the Breitbart organization, a notorious 4th rate right wing propaganda outlet to be in a leadership position in his campaign is prof positive that Trump is not a serious candidate.

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Hey Bannon: I got your welcome-to-the-Trump-campaign orientation right HERE


It also means that Trump’s campaign is going to go Full Gutter Mode. He is losing, and his abusive bully reaction is to make the campaign as unpleasant as possible both for his adversary and her supporters. Breitbart is not a news organization. It is one of the right wing political fiction and slander sites that evolved after The Drudge Report. It is the site whose founder and owner ambushed Anthony Weiner and enjoyed humiliating him, even showing up at his resignation press conference to gloat. Bannon is coming aboard to let lose a broadside of ad hominem filth and conspiracy theories. The Silver Lining is that when they lose, the right wing of the GOP, including the House loonies, can never claim that one of their true conservatives never gets to run.


Who’s next when this Bannon character flunks out of Trump U? The publisher of the National Enquirer to head his campaign? Good Lord, the man has no sense of what a national campaign is suppose to be about, let alone who to hire to accomplish that.

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Frighteningly accurate.

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If Trump has “doubled down” once each day (a conservative estimate) in each of the 30 days (!) since his convention started, that brings him to 1,073,741,824.

Hey – he really is a billionaire!

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WaPo sees this as a profit-making attempt to form a core audience for a new media enterprise. However, selected articles in Politico since the conventions suggest an ideological attempt to remake the GOP into a populist party of nationalist/nativist intent. Senator Jeff Sessions, an advisor to Trump, is behind this effort. (It’s uncertain whether Trump knows or cares that he is being manipulated for the aims of others.)

Politico’s articles today about Bannon report that he has attacked the GOP “establishment” leadership as caustically as he has Democrats. Coupled with Team Trump’s latest messaging that the American primary and election process is “rigged” by the status quo leadership in both major partys, it is plausibly a deliberate blow at the legitimacy of the established federal government.

Cui bono? Josh’s recent speculations about Russian agitprop, hacking (and today’s media revelations about Manafort/Gate’s further client work for the former Putin-friendly Ukrainian prime minister) may be relevant. To focus broad domestic fears/discontent about a plethora of social, economic and ideologic issues/trends into a specific political party with a nullification/secessionist agenda might be an up-the-sleeve trump card (Confederate renascence in modern trappings). As the circles of associations surrounding Trump’s circle of associates grow, it seems increasingly likely that there is a there, there, moreso than Trump originally intended or presently understands.

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Well at least maybe Steve Bannon isn’t on Putin’s payroll. Maybe.

Look for suspicious financial ties to Argentina and financiers named Hielder or Huttler.

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Pre-meditated deception in support of a non-conservative.

Flash: Breitbart ends the conservative movement

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Bravo, you’ve summed it up. Perfect.

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Does that make RT his “Personal Izvestiya (not on the Hudson)”?