It’s the Fakest News Ever!
You know how, in movies, when the lone investigator is trying to crack a complex case there’s always a wall full of pictures of people and places with strings or arrows connecting them in multiple ways? I want to see that diagram for Trump, the GOP, and the Russians. It would be fascinating…
Nobody around Trump speaks English. It’s either Russian, Lies, Oil or Wall Street Banking Fraud. Where does Kushner find all these Soviet friends? I thought he was born after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Perhaps, but it seems a bit self-defeating, doesn’t it? The more so-called bit players (and it remains to be seen how large a bit each of them played) turn out to be involved, the more striking it is just how deep Trump and the Trump Campaign’s ties to Russia (a) have been in the past, (b) were during the campaign, and © continue to be.
Exactly my thought. I would expect them to be looking for people with connections to Trump and Russia who didn’t have any involvement in the collusion to “prove” Trump is innocent.
Raises would suffice. Cries out for sounds a mite Victorian to me.
Well, considering they managed to turn the tale of a modest investment in a suburban housing development that went bad into one encompassing involvement in drug running, multiple contract murders, murders of close friends made to look like suicide, adultery, rape, the corrupt and improper assembly of a Christmas card mailing list, the use of the Lincoln Bedroom by donors, and the appointment of a new head of the White House travel office under hiiighly sussspect circumstances, you can see how they might think we’re making it all up too.
I’m an admirer of Victorian writing… besides, with today’s stenographic journalism maybe screams for the question is in order.
Kind of. Begging the question would end with “Trump: He’s a good guy, because why else would I support him?”
People often say, “That’s begging the question,” when they mean, “You just raised and then ignored an important question.”
Yeah! What you said @commiedearest
Is this what you meant? @stradivarius50t3
Reportedly, a campaign advisor named Pladimir Vutin has repeatedly denied, with a strong nyet!, that he has any such connections.
Reporters have yet to uncover any evidence of that name coming up in connection with Russia.
I’ll bet if we send Pence’s DNA to 23 & ME (or some other) he will turn out to be Rasputin’s great great grandson.
A question I have is how many contacts with Russians did the Clinton campaign have? The amount of Russian involvement with trump is extraordinary.
Yes, I’ve been thinking for a couple of months about this. Too bad Mark Lombardi is not still alive. His art would be wonderfully poignant today.
Thanks, tried to go out strong with that one ; )
That’s what people often say, but saying it doesn’t make it right. We all have pet peeves, and using begs the question instead of raises the (obvious) question is one of mine.
Just because Trounce’s business partners, financiers, wives, political viability and election fortunes all are tied to Russia and the Party continues, that isn’t prima facie evidence that he is the traitor and treasonous fuck that he appears to be.
He may very well be just your typical, run-o-the-mill desperate corrupt criminal idiot that hopped in the sack with the wrong peeps.
Impeachment would still be on the table as well as all of his wealth and holdings.
I don’t know if any of these guys are guilty or not but JHC they all did a lot of work for Russia didn’t they? Is it because all crooks migrate together? I wonder what they were doing/wondering/thinking when Romney said they were our biggest enemy? Praying he didn’t ‘win’?