Yay. Now what?
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says it’s dead on arrival in that chamber.
Oh, that’s what.
At least the Democrats have their priorities straight.
“Democracy is dead on arrival, and we’ll speak no more about it,” quoth the senate majority leader.
You beat me to it but it’s not fair because Grand Rapids is an hour ahead of Chicago.
The American people have a right to ask the Turtle:
I’m sure John Roberts will tell us that this bill is entirely unnecessary, since there never was a problem with $ influencing elections. And besides, $ = Freedom!
Keep that piece of legislation handy for January, 2021, when it will pass with FLYING COLORS
Only the republicans would call a bill designed to get more people to vote a “Democratic power grab.” I guess they know that the more people who vote, the worse off the republican party does.
Shorter GOP: “Democracy is a Democrat power grab.”
I think Democrats just gained another effective talking point for the 2020 elections. Thank you, Madam Speaker!
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says it’s dead on arrival in that chamber.
“This DOA sponsored by the Koch Brothers and the Energy Institute.”
Send the Senate Bill after Bill make them vote or kill Bill after Bill. The Public will get the picture.
Let’s see how much attention this gets as opposed to the ludicrous anti-semite crap.
No Muslim involved
No biggie: The GOP simply has a different take on America.
Democrats believe in “One Person, One Vote”; Republicans believe in “One Dollar, One Vote”.
See? Just a minor philosophical quibble.
McConnell plans to use this bill as an election talking point for Republicans, stating “I believe we can actually win elections against people who vote for this turkey,”. He believes that Republican voters will recoil at the language in the bill where the government matches small donations to presidential candidates. But mostly he’s going to try to spin this as a power grab by Democrats. It’s up to all of us to work to show him that he’s on the wrong side of the issue on election reform in 2020.
And the House Democrats are certainly showing that they plan to do a lot more than investigate this administration.
Republicans call it a Democratic power grab
A fortunate choice of words…
What’s next is to make a well financed, concerted effort to tie House Republican to this vote in the next election, and to make the case to the voters that Democrats are committed to election reform if given the Senate and Presidency in 202.