Discussion: House Judiciary Still Plans To Hold Barr Contempt Vote Wednesday

I’m sure Nadler understands that in today’s ‘negotiations’ with the fascistgop’s DOJ, their word means nothing.




Forward, with all deliberate speed. But emphasis on the speed part.


I think that they have to do this. However, I don’t think anything short of fining Barr millions of dollars will do anything to impress him.


Nadler has the nads!


Well, that offer of negotiation didn’t work so well, now did it Barr? And to think all that hamheaded dweeb had to do was show up to answer some questions


If Nadler doesn’t get everything he wants today from DOJ, the committee will vote to approve the contempt resolution. That, I think, will cause Barr to blink. I’ve said Barr is soft. If he’s left on an island like that without anyone to protect him, he’ll start caving. That’s what he did when he released the redacted version of the Mueller Report.


Barr is contemptible enough. He’s already infamous enough…and that is going to grow over time.


Repubs: They hated and pilloried Trump before they loved and enabled him. They loved and lauded Bob Mueller before they hated and tried to handicap him.

Go figure.


“My hope is that we make concrete progress at tomorrow’s meeting towards resolving this dispute. The Committee remains committed to finding a reasonable accommodation.”

Nadler has made it emphatically clear on several occasions he feels nothing less than a copy of the full, unredacted report will be deemed sufficient. Now, is anything less than that a "reasonable accommodation"? If he wants all of it, how is less reasonable?
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It’s only a constitutional crisis if Barr insists that the rule of law does not apply to him or the president. Most interesting and perhaps fatal for the US is if five members of the Supreme Court buy this Unitary Executive argument. If so, we’re basically Azerbaijan with more fast-food outlets.


I don’t think Barr feels he is alone on any island. The Admin, so far, is showing that they have everyone’s back on denying Congress everything.

I don’t think that dynamic changes until subpoena’s are issued, denied, contempt filings made and Federal courts start weighing in.

All of which takes time. And that’s the ballgame they are playing. They want to slow walk EVERY single thing through rest of this year and next. “Normally” it would seem a stupid strategy, but Trump lives on this sort of chaos and conflict…he will simply run around crying that he is the victim, louder and more pronounced the harder Dems push.

Which is why I say…push. We have to see what sort of country we actually have. If he wants to make the corruption of his Presidency the core issue of the 2020 campaign…then lets do it.


We got the Mueller Report released in 3-4 weeks after his cover up. That was not their plan.


Nadler is doing what he had to do. The offer to negotiate was clearly intended to provide house Republicans some cover. What Barr is doing left the Democrats with no choice.


We got a redacted version of the Mueller Report, without any of the summaries prepared for Congress and the public, and with no underlying evidence, testimonies, interviews, etc.

And yeah, that was not their plan. But despite Barr’s comments about not wanting to trickle things out…that is exactly what they want to do. A very long, slow, delayed drip drip drip of information, all aimed at creating “Mueller Report Fatigue” in the public. That’s been their grand strategy on just about every front, ever since he took office…just overwhelm the media and the public with so much, dribble it out, change it up to a new equally ridiculous and horrible shiny…back and forth…letting nothing ever be reported in full.

Indeed, testing the limits of “Contempt of Congress”…which is precisely where we are headed…should come as no surprise. Because its a “norm” that has rarely been enforced, and the enforcement mechanism runs right through…the Executive Branch, the DoJ, which is now completely compromised. Can the courts sort it out? Absolutely. Can they sort it out quickly? Not a chance in hell.


We got 85% of the report unredacted w/summaries. There is more than enough in here to impeach. The underlying evidence is about due diligence and we’ll get that too.


Yeppers. He’s not going to go to jail for Donald if he didn’t for Ron.


This heah.


The courts have proven their mettle again and again over the last two years. The same cannot be said of the Democratic leadership, unfortunately. But we’re starting to see signs that the penny has dropped. They’re beginning to understand that the constitutional crisis can’t simply be put on hold for a year and half. It’s tough to talk to people about Social Security or taxes when existential political values are at stake. The blue wave of 2018, which was 90% a regional grassroots operation, will not reproduce itself if the grassroots are demoralized by two years of poltroonism in Washington. The credibility of the party as a vehicle of political progress will take a big hit–big enough to make 2020 a lot harder.

I offer this optimistic take with great caution. I can’t think of a single example of Democrats in Washington outmaneuvering or outfighting the Republicans in years. Nadler is quite capable of caving in the next 48 hours. The Charlie Brown-Lucy dynamic is deep-seated. But the Republican position is now so extreme, so unsupported by the law, that even our witless, gutless wonders should be able to score a win.