Look? We’ll see.
Talk is cheap. Let’s see what legislation comes out of this. I’m not holding my breath.
“I have a personal concern about what happened,” he added when asked if he had concerns about the legality of bump stocks, according to the Washington Post.
A real fire-breather ain’t he?
“Personal concern?”
Wow, the next thing you know, he’ll be offering both thoughts and prayers!
Look at = Ignore after Thoughts and Prayers
How much you wanna bet all these asshole Goopers plan is to slow-walk what they’re going to do about any of this? They’re all just waiting for this to blow over with the next mass shooting or national crisis, which very well may involve different dynamics to focus their attention on in order to deflect this issue. This shit about bump stocks isn’t going anywhere. Call me cynical. I don’t see them ever doing anything that would upset the NRA or gun manufacturers before the 2018 elections…or afterwards either.
Seriously, this is what we’re talking about? Something only gun nuts even knew about until yesterday: “bump stocks.” Without them, he would only have been able to kill, what, 45 people? I mean, by all means ban the effin’ things, but let’s not pretend this is in any way a solution to the problem.
Baby steps, dave—baby steps.
Yeah, I do get that. I still think this is a smokescreen by Republicans, just so they can say they “did something.” It’s as if 7-Eleven was selling 64-oz. containers of cyanide, and someone came along and said, “Hey, let’s limit them to 32 oz.”