Discussion: House Intel Releases Final Report On Russian Interference In 2016 Election

Shame on you bunch of traitors. Go visit Russia and kneel at Stalin’s tomb.

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The house Intelligence majority destroyed their own credibility so long ago that this is going to carry no weight except with the true believers.

But apparently they knew they couldn’t come to this conclusion if they so much as conducted a minimally adequate investigation.

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I’m not laughing.

Fox news find most Americans think Mueller will find and impeachable offense


The headline of the article, House Intel Clears Trump Campaign Of Russian Collusion In 2016 Election, is simply wrong. The committee didn’t “clear” the Trump campaign of collusion. What they did was, they didn’t find any evidence of collusion. Now most everyone knows that it’s fairly easy to not find any evidence when you don’t actually look for it, especially if you quickly shut down any line of inquiry that looks likely to lead to evidence and pursue trails that lead in the other direction. So failure to find any evidence when there is scads of it lying around in the open has to be considered a major accomplishment.


Yeah, I am generally agnostic (as relates to organized religions) but I do believe in the arc of the universe bending toward good. And I believe Karma is the hand maiden of the universe.

I will open a bottle of expensive champagne on the day Nunes goes down. I will open an expensive case of champagne and invite all of my friends when Karma takes down Spanky, his Evil Spawn and his Nasty Minions.


At which time karma will deliver you President Pence.

I think it should read “Devin Nunes, bootlicker, toady and Trump apologist extraordinaire, completes his assignment to clear Trump and pump up the volume of the Fox Not-News clowns to deafening - albeit dumber - levels.”

These people will never, ever accept any report from Mueller that finds obstruction, collusion or corruption. Trump will never resign. Pence will never get to redecorate the WH. Melania may have to pull the trigger on the prenup if she wants out.

The appointment of crap judges will continue at a furious pace. Efforts to slash the social safety net will not stop. The government destroyers deployed throughout the administration will continue to tear at it.

This doesn’t end unless and until Democrats engineer a blue tsunami in November.




Yeah, the imprecision drives me wacko. Particularly in the headlines, because those sort of “burn” in the brain, even more than the content of the text.

Clearly, writing headlines which are unambiguous and accurate is an art. Sadly, not one not practiced as often as I would like to see.

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No, no, I lump Pence in with the Nasty Minions. He’s gonna go down too. He’s a sneaky little shit and has pretty much kept under the radar, but I am certain Karma’s after him, too.

You better hope the House goes Blue in the midterms. Otherwise the new Speaker will be Prez in your scenario, and it may very well be the Freedom Caucus and Republican Study Committee that chooses him/her.

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At TPM, that’s a feature, not a bug. As Josh put it:

Hiring Editor for Our New York Office

The editor must also have the range to handle both the public policy seriousness we’re known for with the over-the-top sometimes tabloidesque headlines and tone that is no less a part of who we are.
Josh Marshall, October 6, 2015

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It’s going to be fun watching the GOP squirm when Schiff is in charge of the investigation as of next January.


You’re presuming that Spanky won’t make it to the end of his term. He may well – Mueller may put off much (particularly indictment) until the end is nigh, partly because of worries about precedent. Impeachment is another story, but, of course, as we have seen with the Lewinski affaire, that did not lead to removal from office. Without a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate, impeachment won’t lead much of anywhere; I am not foolish enough to assume that is likely to happen (GOP will hang on unless it gets so bad that they see it as life threatening to them).

I have a fairly high level of confidence that the House will change hands, so, on the off-chance something does happen to remove both Spanky and Q-Tip from office, we’d have a Dem speaker in place.

However, while I wish Spanky out yesterday, I am getting resigned to the eventuality that we will suffer to the bitter end with Spanky, but am willing to wait for my revenge, best eaten cold.

However, there may be other highlights along the way: indictments of some of the Evil Spawn and blockage of more Nasty Minions will help keep us sane.

It’s constitutional negligence for anyone that signed off on this report. They failed to do one of the few duties they have as representatives which is to be a check on the power of the Presidency. I hope every last one is removed from office, by however their constituents feel is the best method, and then under a public and legal spotlight for the remainder of their lives.

What did the report say about the Mueller investigation?

And also treason.

As long as the idiots in devin’s and the rest of the rethug’s districts are like-minded idiots. they will cont to inflict their nonsense on the rest of sane america