Discussion: House Intel GOP Jams Out Its Russia Findings: No Collusion!

Hmm… single-called organisms with no neurons who are nonetheless Capable of complex collective actions in order to perpetuate themselves…You might be on to something here.


Totally. I recall reading Corn’s initial article on the dossier, thinking surely the Gov. and others who know more than me will be aware and do the right thing. Silly me, esp. in light of House committee’s BS.


IMO no coincidence that it is on the eve of the PA special election.


From the party of family values:


Fuck the GOP. Time to tear it down and put it in the garbage heap of history.
After all the treason trials though.
And that would include Nunes and the others in Congress.
Anyone who aids and abets the enemy and the attacks on western democracy need to be tried as traitors.
From chemical attacks in London to cyber attacks in the US - Russia’s only friend here are the evangelical conservatives and they simply be given the death penalty or GTMO. They cannot be allowed to remain in our society.

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I am hoping that Mueller actually can show his findings, and make these clowns eat their own memo.


“…in the service of Russia.”


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There were no foreign powers manipulating our intetnal policies, like our elections. Julian Assange said so to Hannity. So the real source of all of this was Seth Rich.


But that’s what they’ll claim in their subsequent Hillary investigations.

the possibility that the Russians weren’t pro-Trump, but rather anti-Hillary is still possible !

He was, so to speak, an orange, which fell in their turban…

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I don’t see any evidence to support that view.

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You imply impartiality.

Because Trump is that stupid.

Simple: They’re agents and compromised assets of that same hostile foreign power.

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Once the Russians knew what the Trump camp wanted, they needed no further direction. They also knew exactly how to go about it, using the internet to sow confusion via wild stories. Collusion does not require constant or even frequent communication. Besides, the crimes are solicitation and conspiracy. We already know Trump solicited them with his little speech about “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you release the Hillary e-mails”. Russia’s intel services are always listening.

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could be a good call from nance here:

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I think it’s “behind every great fortune is a great crime” but I haven’t been able to pin down who first said it. I thought it was Emile Zola but some debunking website said not.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck… etc.

Truly disappointing.

checked out a fox news story to see how goes the fever swamp. pretty evenly divided in the comments section. when you’re on the cusp of losing those folks, it ain’t looking good. Story not even on front page/above the fold. it’s listed as hot topic on revolver but no story shown there. Mind you I didn’t hang there a long time as it was nauseating, but long enough to see Hillary and Pelosi getting slammed.


Que the obligatory “Casablanca” reference of “I’m SHOCKED, SHOCKED to find out…” that there was NO COLLUSION going on.

Why did they not find any “Collusion”?

Upton Sinclair: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his paycheck depends upon his not understanding it.”

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They are leaning awfully heavily on speech and debate immunity.

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